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TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:35 pm
by malk-a-mite
In an attempt to allow more people access to the GreaseMonkey tools the community has developed I think it's time to retire the old thread after taking from it the good and leaving the rest.
We can link all the active scripts in this first post and only use the non-functioning scripts as a jumping off point.
Things you need (a minimum):
Things to know about:
Twilight Heroes Wiki links (need to be vetted and cleaned up): (search term Twilightheroes):
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:52 am
by Muhandes
malk-a-mite wrote:In an attempt to allow more people access to the GreaseMonkey tools the community has developed I think it's time to retire the old thread after taking from it the good and leaving the rest.
Good idea, but someone needs to move the "good stuff" here.
I'm not sure what more there is to vet and clean up. I did that just a couple of weeks ago, and we do our best to keep that page up to date. I'm not aware of any major discrepancy, and anyone is welcome to correct one if there is, or report it in the talk page.
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:04 am
by malk-a-mite
Muhandes wrote:
Good idea, but someone needs to move the "good stuff" here.
I'm not sure what more there is to vet and clean up. I did that just a couple of weeks ago, and we do our best to keep that page up to date. I'm not aware of any major discrepancy, and anyone is welcome to correct one if there is, or report it in the talk page.
Hence the need for more than one person to start moving stuff over.
As for the vetting - the assembly script is painfully out of date I know, might be better to have it reference a page on the wiki maybe that can be updated with the combos instead of having them in flat file format in the script?
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:58 am
by Muhandes
malk-a-mite wrote:Muhandes wrote:
Good idea, but someone needs to move the "good stuff" here.
I'm not sure what more there is to vet and clean up. I did that just a couple of weeks ago, and we do our best to keep that page up to date. I'm not aware of any major discrepancy, and anyone is welcome to correct one if there is, or report it in the talk page.
Hence the need for more than one person to start moving stuff over.
As for the vetting - the assembly script is painfully out of date I know, might be better to have it reference a page on the wiki maybe that can be updated with the combos instead of having them in flat file format in the script?
If someone is willing to write a script that will consult the tables in I'd be more than happy to make sure they are always as up to date as we can. We can also move them to a separate pages (I was planning on doing that anyway). I also have no problem with changing the table formats a bit to make them easier to parse.
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:39 pm
by Satan
I think the better solution is to use a line-by-line format. I can compile a document of such a format and host it on my website, and make a php script to add combinations to the list. The GM script can add the items automagically, and anyone else would be able to add items found when not using the bot (it'd assume correctness on the part of the user). I could make it a double-purpose script (by GM and php) to handle welding as well with a few crafty regex's. And I haven't forgotten about your other script that you requested. Just woke up, should be getting to it shortly.
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:37 pm
by Muhandes
As I already maintain a list on the wiki I rather not maintain a second one. If you want to create, host and maintain a second list that is perfectly fine.
I can make the list in the wiki one item per line, if it helps, that's not a problem.
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:40 am
by Satan
You're not understanding me. It'd just make the script much simpler if I can use a format of the type 'itemnum1:itemnum2\n', so that the entire document is only data, nothing to regexp. And I /did/ say it would be hosted on my website and compiled by me :/ Second, aside from the initial compiling of said list, the list could be entirely self-maintained. The script could report the new combinations in the correct format and then a php script at my server would store it in the list that all the scripts draw from. The only time the list would have to be manually maintained is if you found the new combination manually without using the script. That is, if someone else found it without using the script. And all you'd have to do is enter the two item id's into a form on my site. Or wait for the script to find it and auto-add it.
EDIT: I could even integrate into the script a thing to auto-update the wiki.
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:18 am
by Muhandes
Go with whatever you think is simplest. Complexity could be added later.
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 6:40 am
by AldenteVonTino
Hi there.
I finally decided to install GM and see what it could do for me.
I installed
TH Adventure Script (v 3.2.2) and
Quick Assembly and Welding in TH.
I was under the impression that when the scripts are installed, fewer clicks were necessary? Seems I still have to click as often as I did w/o them? (NOTE: This situation only seems to involve
TH Adventure Script (v 3.2.2).
Quick Assembly and Welding in TH works well.)

Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 10:37 am
by Muhandes
Could you be more specific as to what isn't working with TH Adventure Script? Are you getting a settings window on the right below the image of foes? If you do, what happens when you set it to something like "Attack Only" and set it to run for a couple of turns?
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:21 pm
by AldenteVonTino
Under that condition, 3 turns, it just sits there when I click start.
When I click to attack, it resets to 2 and a new encounter happens.
Maybe I'm just killing the things too easy?

Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:30 pm
by Satan
It might be a compatibility bug with your version of FF... Try clicking the start button twice and see what happens. If it's the same thing I have on my laptop, it should operate correctly after that, but every time it stops you'll have to click it twice to start it again. Note, a fully upgraded FF and the latest version of the script work just fine.
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 9:00 pm
by Cristiona
Double check the HP and PP ranges for adventuring. It's possible that you're over or under the default settings. Personally, I have HP set to 50, and the PP range go from -1 to 1000.
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 5:14 am
by AldenteVonTino
Actually, it does seem to work. Kinda.
The problem was I was fighting things I could kill instantly, and it DOES show a change when I fight something that takes a couple of whacks.
(What else can you expect from a Noodle-Head? I'll be quiet now.)

The problem WAS in the settings. Stupid me!
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:49 am
by Muhandes
aiyah wrote:TH Adventure Script doesnt seem to work for me now.. can anybody check this if im wrong.. maybe just my pc.
It worked well for me today. Can you be more specific please? What settings are you using, what exactly are you doing, and what isn't working?
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 6:36 am
by Harry Dresden
You still haven't said what the problem is, aside from "it's not running". Which doesn't give us anything to go on for troubleshooting. Does it show up on the page at all? Does it just not run turns when you enter the info and hit Start (or whatever it says)?
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 6:31 pm
by Satan
Is the www / no www thing still an issue? Either way, check and see if you're logged in to or It never makes a difference, except when it does >.>
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 11:17 pm
by Satan
It's also possible that they read it and had been using it for so long that they forgot about it, then for some reason started using instead of
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:11 pm
by Cristiona
My nat multi just does the old "hit with stick 'til dead" method.
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:49 am
by AldenteVonTino
Will there be, or is there already in existence, a script for changing reputation fast?
I would presume it would involve going to specific places, doing specific things to swap from one reputation to another. Is this possible?

Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:56 am
by Muhandes
I do reputation changes quite often and a side to side change rarely tales more than a dozen of turns. I doubt it's worth the effort to automate.
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:33 am
by Corrupt Shadow
Can you awesome coders come up with a script that will let auto-DD betting occur with x-number of chips until chip count falls below y-value or something of that nature?
Is that possible?
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:27 pm
by Corrupt Shadow
It even has a great name!

Thanks! I will try it today.
Re: TH Greasemonkey thread 2.0
Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:54 pm
by AldenteVonTino
Autoadventure started giving me a problem. I was going to ask about it but seen the update. Uninstalled the old version and downloaded the updated version.
Well I still have the same issue:
I click start for combat and nothing happens. Everything worked well before, but sometimes, when I click the actual 'attack' button TH offers, it MAY do a couple rounds on it's own, then stop again. (I mean on the old version that is, have yet to see a complete cycle in the new version as it's the same issue?)