Missing images

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Missing images

Post by Muhandes »

Here's a list of the things that have no image in TH I am aware of. You will get Noimage.gif instead:
  • In the "A Joyous (but Properly Restrained) Reunion", choosing "Take the Weapon"
  • Trying to adventure in "Rooftops of downtown" without the ability to fly ("You try to get to the rooftops of the tall buildings, but you can't reach.")
  • Trying to adventure in "Fighting Robots" before level 12 ("You must be at least level 12 to go here. It's not level discrimination or anything, I would just hate to see you get moitalized by some vicious robots that are waaaay out of your league. Come back when you're stronger.")
  • Trying to use the "last adventure" link to access an area you can no longer access, since you changed transportation ("You hop on a bike and you start pedaling for your destination. You pedal and you pedal and you pedal and you pedal some more. Then you realize you're still nowhere near where you wanted to go, so you decide to forget it and go home.")
  • Trying to use the "last adventure" link to access one of the special dreamer's clock areas without the clock ("If you think you can get to a place that exists outside of normal time and space, good luck finding it!")
There were a couple more in the Sunset Strip Mine, but these are no longer relevant.
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Re: Missing images

Post by Muhandes »

Seems like Ryme was ahead of me on this one, and most of these were already corrected.
The only one that still might exist is the one from "A Joyous (but Properly Restrained) Reunion" - I can't check it right now.
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Re: Missing images

Post by Ryme »

Got an image in there for the Joyous Reception, now, too.
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Re: Missing images

Post by Cristiona »

Last I checked, Break Through the Fourth Wall doesn't have an image.
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Re: Missing images

Post by Ryme »

No longer!
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Re: Missing images

Post by Muhandes »

Well, I thought finding the image for Joyous Reunion is going to take some work, needing to raise a new multi to that level.
But finding the image for the 4th wall... that's really going to take some work.
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