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Crazy Buff action and reaction

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:55 pm
by seventhcross
One of the Crazy Buffers in the Legion has suggested I post reactions from those we buff as well as what it was that drew my attention to them in the first place. I haven't been keeping records of reactions, but here's what I have from the last two:

Revish- attracted my attention by simply handing over some items that I was looking for on a multi.
reaction:Wow, tyvm! Included item: clockwork core (quantity 1) (I of course sent him a reply with 25 clockwork cores :wink: )

Dasmaniandevil- I have seen him be extremely friendly to new players, and he actually just gave me a silver star with no request for payment, so I had to buff him.
reaction: there actually wasn't one sent to me...

My favorite so far (this one is from memory)
Doctor Mojo- He gave me the required fiendish skulls and claws to unlock leveling after 25th level on my rare hunting multi, allowing me to continue grinding for the rare I'm currently searching for. When I asked what I could give him, he said "Surprise me."
reaction: "Wow, that really was a surprise." Then he requested an add to the mailing list so he could randomly assist with the buffing! :D

Re: Crazy Buff action and reaction

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:40 am
by Corrupt Shadow
Corrupt Shadow has a warm, feel-good feeling.


Re: Crazy Buff action and reaction

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 3:52 pm
by seventhcross
This weeks target was Blue Litos who attracted attention by giving away Egyptian Knife Fighting Manuals in Chat.

his reaction:

Riiiiiiiight!!! finally an explanation :) I have been very confused thinking I had become extremely popular in one day, my first reaction was a nice surprise.

Thank you, Crazy buffers rule!!!!!

Re: Crazy Buff action and reaction

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 8:40 pm
by seventhcross
Dfm was a fun one to buff. Always asking for buff trades, I thought it might be good to give him a bit of an extra boost. His reply?

grr, I'll get y'all back for that...

... eventually.

Hey, at least you kept my buffs balanced!

Re: Crazy Buff action and reaction

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:43 am
by seventhcross
My home computer is dead... hence the lack of targets declared... I supose the legion may have to go on hiatus until such time as I can get it fixed. Maybe this weekend. hopefully.

If anyone else wants to volunteer to find targets and send messages until then, feel free.

Re: Crazy Buff action and reaction

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:11 pm
by seventhcross
It's been awhile, so here are a couple of updates that I still had left over!

First is LiiLii, she was a suggestion from Doctor Mojo due to always giving away free stuff. ALWAYS!

She says:

I was -wondering- why so many people managed to buff me while I was gone, and figured it was probably a group effort, but couldn't figure out why.

Thank you for the pleasant surprise! You know, though, I often have extra PP. If you're accepting or recruiting new members, I like to buff random people. May I join you? I'm not always around, and I don't usually keep perfectly reliable hours, but I'm often on a few hours before and a couple hours after rollover.

Don't have a lot of saved up goodies ATM, but still! A present for being awesome:
Included item: draft of dexterity (quantity 1)

Of course we let her join the crew too. :mrgreen:

Re: Crazy Buff action and reaction

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:13 pm
by seventhcross
HellBurn91 was a fun target, since he was a new player he got picked.

his response was:

well the first thing i did was that i logged out cause' i thought i had entered on a different account.:D
awesome,thanks for all the buffs :D

Re: Crazy Buff action and reaction

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:09 pm
by Sanjuro
Kore wa nan desu ka? (Translation: What is this?)

I've been extreme buffed!

I've been buffing new players whenever I see them, but I've never done anything on your scale. Thanks, everybody! :mrgreen: