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Question for the masses about a new site I may start up

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:06 am
by MagiNinjA
I've been designing and planning out a new web site with lots of stuff on it. Namely my own works (primarily music, but I'm looking into Flash too) as well as the works of a team, both collaboration and solo works, and in the future, guest artists as well. It can sort of be thought of as a cross between Cyanide and Happiness and deviantArt, but with more general works (ranging from computer games, to programs, music, animation, movies, etc.) as well as my own blog, which should have plentiful posts about a plethora of topics and feature articles. It will also be a pinnacle (I hope) of user interfacing and web design. It is planned to have a forum system similar to C&H, though I may do something completely untraditional with the usual subforum deal, but I'm still working that out.

My question to you is: would you read it and visit it? Any improvements, suggestions and/or insights to this are very much welcome. And for extra incentive, I'll give you all an early shot at the pre-opening mailing list. Also, when I design it, I may throw in some premium memberships (your own blog, preview of drafts and early work, etc.).

So yes. Answer my question plox. Would you read it and visit it?

EDIT: Hehe, 777th post!

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:14 am
by TheK3vin
I have to say, Val. I have never seen a semicolon in the middle of an acronym. That's almost as weird of a contrast as when Joystiq said "Uber-verbose."

Moving back on topic, I would definitely read it. But an RSS feed would be absolutely necessary. And also, it would need to be good. But sounds like a tree-spanking good time on paper.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:32 pm
by MagiNinjA
Nah, TL;DR is fairly common as an acronym.

Also, thanks for the feedback thus far. There will definitely be an RSS feed.

Also out of curiosity, would people be okay with ads if they aren't "You're the 1000000th winner!" type ads? I've been thinking of only choosing hand-picked ads, perhaps Google Text Ads, friends of the site and/or Project Wonderful ads, just because of funding. But that'll come later.

I'll definitely be implementing some kind of user content submission system as well.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:45 pm
by Olaf
It really depends on the content. Just your desciption here doesn't tell me if it's art I'd like to see. If it is, I'd probably visit when I remember/am bored. If not, I won't.

I used to check into DA almost every day to see the submissions of artists on my watchlist, ones I was pretty sure I'd like. Now I don't because my computer's been weird lately wih some sites, one of them being DA, and I do't need to. Since I only look a my watchlist submissions anyway, they all pile up on the submissions page and I can look at them some other day.

Also, make sure you don't stop updating for a long stretch, because then people get tired of checking in and seeing nothing new. Again.
I guess an RSS thing would lessen this, but not everybody uses those.

Re: Ads; placement is one of the main factors there. Some places stick them right in the middle of everything, which is annoying. I think one of the most widey accepted locations is a right-side column.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:48 pm
by TheK3vin
Ads don't bother me at all.

...Nor do they bother anybody with Firefox :)

Also, user-submitted content sounds very interesting to me, as I just started a webcomic on Deviant art I could bring over there. If you like it, that is. It's kinda terrible : /

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:57 pm
by MagiNinjA
Yeah, that's true. I'm hoping that our own content is what makes us big in the first place, so you can bet that we'll have something for everyone. Fun for the whole family.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:18 pm
by MagiNinjA
This hasn't really gotten as much response as I would've liked. Is there a smell to this thread or something? :P

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:49 am
by Corrupt Shadow
I'd have to go with "probably not". I check a few webcomics once a day, and play TH. Besides that, I generally don't "surf the web" a lot.

And yes, this thread reeks of old sardines and stale crackers. Ew...

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:20 pm
by TheK3vin
I think the weird part is you're just asking whether or not people like a certain type of website. If the content is good, they will come. I can't really make any promises right now, because I don't know if you'll be or... some website I can't think of the name of because I don't like it.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:27 pm
by MagiNinjA
That's true. I suppose we'll see when I've got a demo of some sort. :/