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Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:22 pm
by Ryme
I'm sure there's a lot of good stuff there. I posted over on the KoL forums my theory, which I'll repeat here: It feels really painful right not because we're not just learning new stuff, we're un-learning old habits, and that's a very difficult and awkward thing to do. Habits take a long time to shake off.

I'm almost positive that given a week people will start to be more comfortable, and within a few weeks or a month most of us will be used to the new system, or at least understand it well enough to get by. I think what's so frustrating right now is that the limitations ("you can't do that as well as you used to") are obvious, while the benefits are still secret. And of course that's going to look bad. But once more of the benefits come into the light, it'll make more sense.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:44 pm
by Ryme
Hmm. Actually, I was thinking that it made a certain kind of sense for the spell damage to be capped, though I think +damage items ougt to be above and beyond the base. It's a way for the more powerful spells to be more compelling.

I do also personally feel that I'm about 0% likely to try a pathed hardcore run. I've done a bit of teet and one or two booze runs because I liked the simplicity of only looking for one type of fuel, but it was really almost entirely because I found the reward boost at the beginning of the next path a really good way to keep up momentum. I'm not saying they're wrong for making that choice, but I personally have lost most of the incentive to do one. I'll probably do oxy for the plexi (what I don't have already), but other than that I don't really see any appeal in what's now a very slight mid-game boost.

Still, for the most part it's too early and I'm too un-knowledgeable to make any real complaints (or all that many praises, other than having enjoyed the hell out of some new content and some new riddles--"happiness" is now my favorite weapon of all time, five times more than the next closest weapon).

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:32 am
by IcyFreak
There are, indeed, ways to get around the nerfs they put in. Sort of.

I'm not going to spoil any of them here, because I don't want them to get re-nerfed.

But really, NS13 has nerfed pretty much everything I found fun in the game. I guess I'm finding new ways to have fun (see above re: loophole). Although that's pretty much not a point, since finals are coming.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:27 am
by Jesus
Right now I'm gathering up the outfits for level 12, and I'm really, really dragging my feet because I want to get Wossname and I don't want to screw it up. For the last couple weeks, I haven't really played, and just gymmed my turns away -- was also going for another level 30 trophy and telescope, so it's not all pointless. But the longer I do that, the more I think "Do I really want to ascend and do it all again... again?"

If I ever do finish this run, I'm going straight into Bad Moon. And I'll level the holy $@!%#ing %@^# out of myself before I do any damn thing. So when I get to the annoying parts, I'll be able to hit things for 300 damage. That would make me feel better.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:53 am
by neocamp22
Ditto dvmaprezson.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:44 am
by TheK3vin
I agree, frost_maze. I was always a pretty casual player (only ascended twice in two years of playing) and I really just enjoyed the huge amount of added content. No complaints here.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:03 pm
by neocamp22
Frost - Not the case with me. I was not a speed ascender.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:12 pm
by neocamp22
Well, I'm lazy. So I liked LTSynergy. Which they nerfed. Which made me angry. Cause it meant I had to actually try.

But I couldn't tell you exactly what made me drift away after NS13.