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Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:42 pm
by TheK3vin
I think it's ok if I say this here, as it's not technically asking or anything. But my lifetime goal has always been to become a mod.
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:48 am
by Corrupt Shadow
My Goals:
• Reach Level 50
• Get all the merit badges that are obtainable
• Have a completely "colorful" wardrobe
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:19 am
by Jesus
Right now, I'm trying to collect 10 of everything, shy of the rare talismans and ridiculously expensive things like the coal stuff, donation items, Bass-O-Matics...
It's going to be a pain to get all the jetpack intermediate steps done.
Currently, I'm wrapping up the 'one of everything' phase. Still missing an Ebon Eye. I've been able to hit 10 on a lot of crap through the auction house though. And by tomorrow I should be done with some of the new 'lost' items.
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:41 pm
by Satan
... Jesus. You trying to step my collection of 1 of everything, eh? That's my goal, to continuously keep atleast 1 of every item sans quest items. Right now I lack an abaddon charm (though I own one, it's loaned out right now), the goggles (searching now), the ham banner (prolly won't get that one), and crib sheet (unlikely as well). Other than that, to be the first person on 5 leaderboards at the same time and consequently the first to be the first on 3, 4, and 5 leaderboards at the same time :p.
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:51 am
by Jesus
Satan wrote:... Jesus. You trying to step my collection of 1 of everything, eh?
Actually, the reason is less competitive and more laziness. When new combination items are added, I don't want to have to go hunting for the parts. And 10 is such a nice, round number.
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:19 pm
by Lxndr
Mostly, I want to meet the Kraken (and I'm beginning to doubt Ryme when he said it was no harder than getting a Robogoose in KoL, which he said to me in chat one day). It's been more than a month, and yet still no Kraken.
After that, it'll be to the pit, and then maybe the sky, to get the other non-class-related talismans. (I already have the amulet, and the paradox naught).
Ideally, I want to earn all these talismans as combat adventures, so I won't be buying them just yet. Shamefully, I bought the amulet of corruption, which I guess is fitting since I consider that a corruptive influence, the purchasing.
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:39 pm
by Ryme
Lxndr wrote:Mostly, I want to meet the Kraken (and I'm beginning to doubt Ryme when he said it was no harder than getting a Robogoose in KoL, which he said to me in chat one day). It's been more than a month, and yet still no Kraken.
One of us was is out of context in that quote. Either I missed your implication or you misunderstood mine, not sure which. I don't actually know the odds of getting the robogoose, so I couldn't compare it, and also, what little I do think I know suggests that the kraken is considerably more rare.