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Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:49 pm
by Satan
*Builds up hype*

Woo, PFEnomenon '07!

... Srsly. Awesome prizes, and everyone gets a chance at all of them. Be in chat after 11:10 PM EST on Friday (post-rollover) to get free tickets to the giveaway of the large prizes (listed above, but notably the rares and IotMs and such), with the tickets having... 500 chips included! You can increase your chances to win by participating in games and contests (in normal chat channel, as fun and games is still not lively enough for this event) throughout Saturday and Sunday. At the moment, we're short-staffed, so we're not exactly sure who's going to be doing what, but know that we're going to be giving away tons of buffs and chips. Also, as a reminder, this will be on the PFE account, so as to keep better track of events and so as to not confuse you all!

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:19 pm
by Olaf
Hooray! It has begun!
My contribution is this quick puzzle.

Prize is a few mallets and a "ticket"!
Maybe more if it takes a while to solve.
Also, no need to sign up at those forums.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:36 am
by neocamp22
A quick riddle: Here

Edit: And the answer has been found by Exeter. You can view it at the above link.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:51 pm
by Satan
PFEnomenon '07 winners!

7th- dante alighieri- fort coffee
6th- zanch pornoflict- fort coffee
5th- skysurfer- silver star
4th- jony bs- silver star
3rd- socket- aegis flux incapacitator
2nd- malk-a-mite- ebon eye
1st- soleta- abaddon charm

Hope everyone enjoyed our event!

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:14 pm
by MagiNinjA