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The Level 5 Quest
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:24 pm
by TheK3vin
I love it, but when you go into the Golden Wooden Nickel Casino Grounds," and try to click on "Back of the House - Locked" nothing happens. I think there should be a message that says something like "You try the door, but can't get it open. Maybe you should try the Casino Grounds."
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:13 pm
by Ryme
Let me ask a question.
Say you're standing in front of a locked door. Now imagine you try to open the door. What is going to happen?
And what does the game do when you click on a locked door that you know is locked? Nothing!
If you ask me, it's one of the most realistic aspects of the entire game.
Do you really need a message that says, "The door is locked. No matter how many times you jiggle the handle, the door remains locked."? I can put that in, but it seems kinda unnecessary.
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:04 pm
by neocamp22
I know the one you're talking about
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:46 pm
by Cristiona
dThought wrote:How about
"Don't they teach you about locked doors at the School for the Gifted?"
I like it. We need more snarky comments like the "Wait" entry in the dictionary.
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:14 pm
by Jesus
Ryme wrote:Say you're standing in front of a locked door. Now imagine you try to open the door.
I can't summon water buffalo either, but I imagine one can knock down a door. Although I'm reminded of the Mythbusters where they tested 'bull in a china shop'; the bull avoided the shelves.
Maybe it'd be cool to have four different messages for each hero type?
"You summon a woodland critter to Break down the door. After a brief pause, a brave and bold squirrel answers the call. Something tells you this isn't going to work."
"You try to focus your telekinesis to pick the lock... You're able to lift a couple of the tumblers to their open positions, but you're a hero, not a burglar, and the unfamiliar mechanism proves too much for you."
"You sift through your pockets, sure that you have some tool that you could use to take the door's hinges apart. Then it occurs to you to actually look for the hinges... They must be on the other side. Of course."
"You're a Elemental. Something something something. I could burn the whole building down. Stapler."
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:26 pm
by Ryme
Jesus: I think you're overlooking the "you can break down the door but it'll set off the alarm and tell everyone you're here" part. Otherwise any hero could just break it. It's the stealth that matters.
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:18 pm
by Olaf
Ryme wrote:It's the stealth that matters.
Which is why right when I found out where the quest was and that there was a locked door, I thought I was going to have to don my security slacks and an until-then-unimplemented security shirt.
I guess, "until-then-unimplemented" isn't that accurate; "still-unimplemented" would be better.
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:13 pm
by Jesus
mad hamish wrote:You type like you're on a phone or only have 3 fingers.
If anyone catches me doing that, I'd like to take some time now to point out that "LOL" and "OMFG" are part of my everyday vocabulary. Usually to make fun of something in a ridiculously over-the-top way.
But if I use "u", please ostracize me.