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July Podcast Questions and Answers

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:04 am
by Kinak
Hello! It seems like it's probably about time for another Twilight Heroes podcast.

If you have any questions, you'd like me to answer on the air, post them here.

As always, please try to keep your questions concise and don't try to answer other people's questions. It's surprisingly easy to cross the streams when you're reading things for the first time on-air. :)


Re: July Podcast Questions and Answers

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:40 am
by Isladar
First, thanks for your hard work on the game. I really appreciate the effort you put into it.

Now for my questions:
How much content in Hard Mode remains to be found?
Would you consider giving "us" a hint as to the type of content (e.g. Merit Badges, Level Warps, Items, etc.) and how to find some of it?
Would it be possible to add a note to entries on the Retcon History page to denote when a retcon is Too Hard?

Re: July Podcast Questions and Answers

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:11 pm
by Sanjuro
Isladar wrote:First, thanks for your hard work on the game. I really appreciate the effort you put into it.
Me too! Especially the last event! You did a great job with that.

(1) Speaking of the last event, I was not complaining when I mentioned Opening Day in the forums. I just wanted to share one of my favorite baseball jokes. Of course, the Cubs are not playing terribly (so far), so substitute the Astros.
(2) I checked several rhyming dictionaries, and it looks like we've run out of words that rhyme with "pouch". So here are some words that almost rhyme with "pouch": mulch, brooch, hutch, joust, cockroach, gaucho, cartouche, punch, Faust, match, pooch, touch, gouge. You're welcome.
(3) Do you think the state of the game (now) is where you expected it to be when you took over development? Also, what was your goal for Twilight Heroes? Keep tweaking and adding fun new stuff, or develop it into a cash cow then sell out to a giant corporation and retire to a private Greek island? (Hey, considering the economic situation, Greek islands might be cheaper now.)
[EDIT](4) With the introduction of the Dungeon Gauntlet, you have shown that a weapon can be fist-type just like an empty weapon slot. So might I suggest re-assigning brass knuckles, steel knuckles and white noise knuckless to fist-type?

Thanks again! :D

Re: July Podcast Questions and Answers

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:17 am
by hoyifung04
  • Do you know what Ryme wanted to do with this contest from ages long, long past? Has anything come of it so far?
  • On the wiki, there is a large gap in the item ID's at 1683-1740 (September 2011) and a smaller gap later at 2115-2131 (October 2013). Scattered throughout the rest of the item ID's are smaller gaps (usually one or two long). The wiki also lists some ID's as used for internal purposes (mainly for special skills from nearby items).
    • Are there any plans (already implemented or to-be-implemented) for the large blocks?
    • Are there any ID's used for internal purposes that you wouldn't mind sharing so they can be marked as used? If so, which ones are occupied?
    • Are there any gaps in the list where people have not discovered the item, and the item will likely never be obtainable again? The answer's going to be yes, isn't it?

Re: July Podcast Questions and Answers

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:50 am
by Patojonas
1 - So, as always, what have you been working on lately? What's the next big project?

2 - Leagues: will there be other uses for the mettle we've been piling up for years in the near future?

3 - Any plans for the next advertising initiative?

That's all for now ;)

Re: July Podcast Questions and Answers

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:07 pm
by Kinak
You've got questions? I've got answers.


Re: July Podcast Questions and Answers

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:06 am
by Patojonas
I meant prestige and not mettle, sorry for the confusion :/

Re: July Podcast Questions and Answers

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:31 am
by Kinak
Patojonas wrote:I meant prestige and not mettle, sorry for the confusion :/
No worries!


Re: July Podcast Questions and Answers

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:40 am
by Sanjuro
And of course right after I poked fun at the Astros, they embarrass the Red Sox and are now second in their division.
What other historically bad teams are left? The Rays? The Brewers?
What a strange baseball season.