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Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:58 am
by Muhandes
Carygon Nijax wrote:oh.. that explains everything... sorry for bothering then...
ypou should add that to the weapon description... just for avoid further questions.. or am I the only one capable of asking such things?
It's the same for all weapons which return HP/PP from damage. It's stated in the wiki after I fell for the same issue and reported it as a bug

Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:16 pm
by lazyfire
The Misericorde of the Squid doesn't show up in the Creepy Old House until you have 3 samples of The Black rather than just one like the recipe says.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:26 pm
by Ryme
Misericorde recipe should be fixed.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:41 pm
by Cristiona
The new gadgeteer interface doesn't quite update properly. After you select an item to alter, the screen refreshes, telling you that you've started to work on X, but you still have the selection screen, completely with radio dials and the selection box. When selecting again, you get the "you're already doing something" message twice with a horizontal line between.
When you click out to the general workbench and go back everything's fine, and the timer appears in the left pane properly, it's just a little weird to select and have the selection screen again. The first time I used it, I thought I could alter several things at once.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:24 am
by Muhandes
Pallid Mask does not seem to stack well with Got S.M.A.R.T..
Pallid mask itself seems to fire on every round and as far as I can see has more information than Got S.M.A.R.T. However, when Pallid mask is equipped with Got S.M.A.R.T. you get only the inferior effect of Got S.M.A.R.T.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:58 am
by Muhandes
If an item cannot be equipped due to level restrictions, the "equip" link is stroked out in the "Wear Things "page, but not on the "Use Things" or "Full Inventory" pages.
Also, the use link should also be stroked out since you can't use it either.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:18 am
by Muhandes
Triple post! but they are three different bugs, found in three different times.
three-speed bicycle shorts (second gear) on level 4: Regenerates HP as a function of level (currently +0 HP per turn).
Minor thing, since it cannot be used anyway.
Also, a suggestion. If you are below level 5 and you use three-speed bicycle shorts (first gear) they become three-speed bicycle shorts (second gear) which you cannot equip, but you can't also use. I think it would be better if you could use it so at least you can get it back to first gear.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:03 pm
by Ryme
Muhandes wrote:
Also, a suggestion. If you are below level 5 and you use three-speed bicycle shorts (first gear) they become three-speed bicycle shorts (second gear) which you cannot equip, but you can't also use. I think it would be better if you could use it so at least you can get it back to first gear.
That is indeed a problem. This is the first time a usable equipment has had a level requirement, and my heretofore flexible system of using the same field for equip level and use level is causing problems. I will fix that.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:06 am
by Corrupt Shadow
o0o, that is a predicament.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:33 am
by Ryme
Apparently there can be issues where using a foe toughness decreaser will get you negative XP, and possibly cause you to steal negative HP/PP from the foe. I'll be looking into this shortly.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:33 pm
by Satan
I would've figured that it's as simple as not checking to see if foe toughness is above 0 before the fighting starts. If it isn't, just set it back to 1 (of course, you'll need to do this check again when foe toughness can be reduced inside battle, like with weapons that weaken an opponent on hit).
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:23 pm
by Ryme
Yeah, the checking isn't difficult. Just didn't realize it was an issue until now, and thought I'd mention it so that people would know.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:17 pm
by Cristiona
This is probably known, but putting it here just in case:
In "The Furthest Reaches of Insanity", on the initial round of combat, there's no "Combat!" tag. This kinda fouls up the continuous attack script. Not a big deal, but... yeah.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:26 pm
by Ryme
Combat! has been added to farthest reaches of insanity, so botters can bot again.
The %chance stun effect has been debugged so that 5% chances won't fire 95% of the time.
Items that delevel foes at the start of combat will no longer give them negative stats. These changes mean foe toughness modifiers affect hit/dodge/offense/defense, but do not affect HP, and only affect XP if it's at the beginning of a fight.
Pallid mask should stack properly with SMART effect.
Bicicyle shorts usage has been adjusted so you can't get stuck with a version you can't actually wear or convert back yet. If you trade with someone for a high-level version or buy them in the auction house, unfortunately you're simply going to be stuck until you gain the right level.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:20 pm
by Ryme
Catalyzer won't display options when you've just started a new batch anymore. Nor will it falsely tell you that you don't have anything to catalyze when you're out of metal but still have caffeine items.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:34 pm
by Olaf
Ryme wrote:If you trade with someone for a high-level version or buy them in the auction house, unfortunately you're simply going to be stuck until you gain the right level.
Transmogging will also cause problems, right?
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:39 pm
by Satan
Why not just separate the use and equip levels >.> Alternatively you could quick fix it with a check on each one for the items, but I can see something like this being a problem in the future anyways, and quick fixes are badddd >.>
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:09 am
by Muhandes
Ryme wrote:Items that delevel foes at the start of combat will no longer give them negative stats. These changes mean foe toughness modifiers affect hit/dodge/offense/defense, but do not affect HP, and only affect XP if it's at the beginning of a fight.
Let me see if I get this straight. Before the change, toughness modifiers used to gave and reduced HP (1HP per toughness), now they don't.
As for XP, Vambraces of the Star Spawn will reduce XP since it's at the beginning of combat (1/2 XP per toughness), but being hit by a Misericorde of the Squid will not reduce XP. There is currently no effect that adds toughness during combat, but if there will ever be one, it will not give more XP.
Ryme wrote:Pallid mask should stack properly with SMART effect.
I just tested this and it still doesn't seem to work. I have SMART and Pallid mask, and I get only the SMART effect, though I think I get it more often. The Pallid mask effect more informative, so I'd prefer to get it. But even better, full stacking would mean you get both, so double the information rate.
Satan wrote:Why not just separate the use and equip levels >.> Alternatively you could quick fix it with a check on each one for the items, but I can see something like this being a problem in the future anyways, and quick fixes are badddd >.>
I really like the way Ryme solved this for this specific case. On level 5-9, if you use the second gear shorts they don't just tell you "you need to be level 10", they change back to first gear, enabling you the choice at lower levels. So I guess what I'm saying is, that for each case they might be a different solution.
Are there many other usable items that can be equipped and have a level req? Shining Trapezohedron and icicle are the only ones that come to my mind.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:52 am
by Satan
Right, but if you already have it at a higher gear (I.E., before the fix), you're stuck until the level. Which isn't a fix for any of the people who got the problem. Additionally, if you purchase one, as Ryme said, you're stuck until the level. As Olaf pointed out, if you transmog and didn't know/forgot about it and had it at a higher gear, again, you're stuck. That would be an even bigger issue when ascension comes around. While it fixes you from getting yourself stuck /now/ by using, that's only a single aspect of the larger problem, and eventually people are going to complain >.>
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:22 am
by Muhandes
When attacking with a third rail gun, every attack you get the message: You are shocked by your electrical equipment and take 1 electric damage.
The last three words were supposed to be colored with the elemental electricity color. However, since the HTML code says <font class=elec> instead of <font class='electric'>, they are not.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:59 am
by Muhandes
Congratulations! You just won the Oaken Bench of Might. It's yours for the next week. Use it well, hero.
I have an old report from someone that I should be getting double/tripple the HP when resting. However:
Sweet Relaxation
You spend some time reading a pocket paperback and feel recharged.
You gain 40 hit points. You gain 40 power points.
Doesn't seem to have any effect.
This might be related to the downtime yesterday, or the old report might simply be bogus.
Edit: It is definitely related. I got the winning message, but I do not appear as the winner in the Joiner's Club and Furrier's Den. I also still have 2000 tickets registered (well, 4000 now, since I didn't notice it first). So it seems like the message was sent, but nothing else was updated. Oh well, no biggie.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:36 pm
by Cristiona
All three CTHULHU discs need use multiple.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:20 pm
by Muhandes
A certain new skill has the description:
This description doesn't exist, or it hasn't been updated yet.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:22 pm
by Satan
None of the new sidekick items from the Cthulu zones are recyclonizable, even though they have autosell of over 10.
bone flute
spiral horn
jade hound
summoning cone
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:05 pm
by Cristiona
I see you changed the byakhee (woo), but I don't think it's working right...
Your opponent attacks ... Just as your opponent is about to attack, your byakhee swoops down in front of you to take part of the blow. It didn't look so good before that, and it looks worse now. That last blow was too much for your space zombie "friend," and it explodes in a cloud of yuck.
He pummels you tirelessly, and he's not Sorry. Not at all. It hits you for 703 damage.
The previous round, it absorbed "some of the blow", but I still took 500+ damage. Is it only blocking part? I thought the Ferric Man and Free Dummy blocked 100% until they died.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:40 pm
by Ryme
No, none of them block 100%. They all block some fraction only.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:52 pm
by Cristiona
Fair enough, wasn't sure. I was just used to them blowing up instantly.
Also, any plans to look at their (as in, all 4 critters) damage? It still seems low for high level drops. Maybe have their damage uncapped? Eh? Eh? Eh? >_>
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:54 pm
by Carygon Nijax
I should not be saying this.. -most of the players might hate me- but.. it's the third day in a row with mister teas in the black marcket...
and.. as far as I know that is not normal.. but if the items are refreshed at each rollover it might be possible
but it's just weird.. besides.. this makes the mister teas you've bought all along less valuable
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:58 pm
by Cristiona
* Main Entry: random
* Function: adjective
* Date: 1632
1 a : lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern b : made, done, or chosen at random <read random passages from the book>
2 a : relating to, having, or being elements or events with definite probability of occurrence <random processes> b : being or relating to a set or to an element of a set each of whose elements has equal probability of occurrence <a random sample>; also : characterized by procedures designed to obtain such sets or elements <random sampling>
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:12 am
by Muhandes
Carygon Nijax wrote:I should not be saying this.. -most of the players might hate me- but.. it's the third day in a row with mister teas in the black marcket...
and.. as far as I know that is not normal.. but if the items are refreshed at each rollover it might be possible
but it's just weird.. besides.. this makes the mister teas you've bought all along less valuable
I don't even think this is a rare occurance. There are only three caffeine items circulating and no one has ever shown that the chances of each are different. For comparison, remainder cell phone, which is one of four items, occurred for consecutive 4 days back in June when I noted these.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:18 am
by Satan
It /is/ rare, comparatively. It's just randomness. It's been out for close to 3 weeks before, and in for 4 days in a row. I've noticed several 2 in a rows and 3 in a rows, 4's the most I've seen. But it's theoretically possible for it to be in every single day for the rest of the game's existence. It /won't/ if php's rand function works correctly, but it /could/.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:26 am
by Muhandes
Satan wrote:It /won't/ if php's rand function works correctly, but it /could/.
This is probably what you meant, but lets not confuse things. Even with a perfect random generator it could happen and therefore there is no way for you to say that it wont. That's what random means. This has nothing to do with how well php implements it.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:31 am
by Ryme
Bugs reported about Misters Tea, because of their presence, or lack of presence, in the market: about a thousand.
Actual bugs with that code, which hasn't changed in two years: zero.
Imagine that Mr. Tea's chances of showing up are like a dice roll, because it very much is just like that. Imagine rolling the same thing a few times in a row. Is it possible, or is it likely a bug with the die? Now imagine it doesn't show up for a long time. Is it possible, or is it likely a bug with the die?
This isn't picking on Carygon specifically. This is how you should analyze any situation like this.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:24 am
by Muhandes
With that being said, if I would have seen the entire Black Market inventory not change for a week I would suspected a bug (doesn't refresh on rollover) and report it.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:39 pm
by Carygon Nijax
anyway.. next time I say "it might be possible" in a bug report... I'll write it with caps... huge size and red-coloured... to prevent you from posting the same answer 5 times...
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:46 pm
by Muhandes
It wont help
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:36 pm
by Ryme
I don't even know when this happened, but I realized that a miscalculation was keeping the "Dude, There's My Car!" and "Who Would Throw Away a Perfectly Good TV?" adventures for occurring. I'm sure newbies will be pleased to get those extra 450 quick and easy chips back.
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:10 pm
by Satan
I had one of those occur for an unplayed character just a few days ago when spading chip drops. So I assume it had to do with players being made after some point, instead of it just not occurring at all?
Re: Minor bugs
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:33 pm
by Ryme
Logic was such that if you have neither adventure, you couldn't get them. If you had one, you could get the other. So that's probably it, yeah. <.<