Switching class

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Post by TheK3vin »

Just about everything goes away, it's pretty much a complete reset of your character.
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Post by Ryme »

Er, no. You two are way off base. Neither quests nor things like the VR gaming center reset.

When you change class, your personal stats, xp, skills, and such do reset.

Basically, the short and simple version is: if it's you personally, it's reset. If it's anything else in the outside world, it doesn't reset.
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Post by Olaf »

I think the OP meant the Strengh, Intellect, and Reflex points gained from the VR center. For example, if they did stay, and I had gained 10 strength points from there, upon switching classes, I would have (The normal starting amount )+10 Strength. This is currently no the case.
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Post by TheK3vin »

Whoops, heh forgot about the whole discussion we had about that a while back... So yeah. Quests don't reset. Not sure about the VR thing though. I'm also not sure why I'm even posting here. Ok, goodbye.
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Post by Ryme »

Oh. If you mean xp or str/int/ref, yeah, you lose those. Skills you lose (except for the passable pilot one). If you mean your rank in the games, or any items you may have gained, then no. Sorry if that's confusing.
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Post by TheK3vin »

In other words, you can never get back those extra stats you get for doing the VR games.

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Post by Corrupt Shadow »

Wait, you keep your skills?

So, in essence, one could obtain EVERY skill in the game?!
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Post by Corrupt Shadow »

Man, if I'd known that!

I thought you only kept items/chips.
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Post by TheK3vin »

You do lose all of your previous skills. Like Ryme said, everything about your character resets, but everything else stays the same. You do, however, keep your items.
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Post by Cristiona »

You lose all your class skills.

You keep all your non-class skills (currently: Passable Pilot and Heroic Efficiency).
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Post by Corrupt Shadow »

Oh, well not class-switching for me then.
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Post by DuRhone »

I reset from Psi to Gadge.
I lost all skills except Passable Pilot and Heroic Efficiency.
I lost ALL stat points except for basic starting stats.

I played for a while, but when I discovered that you could not redo the quests... especially since I changed to try to get the Navy Wrench.

I went back to Psi.

I cannot see ANY benefit to changing. If I were simply interested in playing another class, I would make multis instead.

I think that there should be SOME benefit to class changing since it is so drastic. Even simply letting a player convert the "quest" class talisman to his/her new class at level X (say level 8 )... or keeping a skill after changing over from a level Y (say level 15) character.
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Post by Ryme »

DuRhone wrote: I cannot see ANY benefit to changing. If I were simply interested in playing another class, I would make multis instead.
Well, if you don't want 4 multis and want to explore; or you've got a limited number of donation items and you want to keep using them with different classes; or you're high level and don't have anything "new" to do with that class. At least, that's my assumption about why people might want to change class. It's also there, preemptively, as a protection in case you ascend into the wrong class, which I've done enough in KoL to want to have an option other than to go through a full ascension again.
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Post by Ryme »

Jatopian wrote:As another newb who migrated from KoL, let me say that the inability to transmogrify the second talisman absolutely sucks.

So does the inability to keep a skill, but whatever.

Also, first post.
Keeping skills only applies in an ascension context, where you actually "beat" the game and start over, but with an edge. Without that, being able to keep a skill would be a pretty meaningless event, and in a matter of weeks people would have most of them, and things would get pretty boring.

The second talisman issue is noted, and I'll do something about it one of these days.
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Post by Cristiona »

Time stays the same. If you use all your turns and caffeine and then switch, you'll still have 0 turns. If you switch with 200 turns, you'll still have 200 turns.
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