Elemental Guide

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Post by neocamp22 »

Sporty - was that post sparked by our short discussion in chat?

Just so people know - a decked out lvl 10+ elemental never needs to use spells. I don't use any, I just attack, and then after 25 ish monsters at the pit I have to use lifeblood to heal.
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Post by cromulentia »

i'm really quite fond of being an elemental. i usually use spells just because i think that its kind of what an elemental should do. you know, capture the power of nature and use it on my foes type of thing.

i do run down on MP pretty quickly, but i find that with the hero's cape and the ethereal club equipped i can use a spell and then finish whatever i'm fighting off with my club without losing more than a few MP points at a time.
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Post by TheK3vin »

I would totally make a Psion guide, but I've been so busy lately... I love the class.
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Post by Jesus »

With 15 PP up for grabs every turn, and an almost full heal available for 20 PP, Elementals are sitting pretty for any combat.

Basically, the same set-up works for Elementals and Psions, except that for Psions, healing is a more costly prospect.

1) Cape
2) Locket
3) Lexura Infinides D-8
4) Pandimensional Scepter / Ethereal Club

Hammer away with low-level cheap spells with the scepter equipped. When PP runs down to, say, half, heal and switch to the club for some straight beat-down. When PP is full again, heal a bit more if needed and switch back to spellslinging. Or equip a Scottish Necklace when you're using the club to lessen the need for healing.
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Post by Cristiona »

Or equip an Eye, and you can skip the Club entirely.
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Post by TheK3vin »

I don't believe this is a bug, but you can equip both the Lover's Locket AND the Lover's Locket- Right Half for 4 pp a turn.
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