Spring Podcast Thread

Talk about the game. What game? The game with the power? What power? The power of ... aw, skip it.

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Spring Podcast Thread

Post by Kinak »

Hey, do you have questions about Twilight Heroes (or, I guess, other stuff Kinak might know)? Ask them here!

It's been a while since we've had a podcast thread and it's nice to hear what people are wondering about. And pull back the curtain a little on the future, which I've been assured is so bright I'll have to wear shades.

So post all your questions here. Make sure they're relatively concise, because I'll be reading them on the air, and don't try to answer other people's questions, because that's where I come in.

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Re: Spring Podcast Thread

Post by zatade »

Are there plans for an overarching quest (like the one in (Shilloh) for the 3 new areas, Ghost Town, Abandoned Shoe Factory and School of Villainy.
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Re: Spring Podcast Thread

Post by Sanjuro »

Hi Kinak.

I don't have any questions. I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy working on creative projects here.
It's fun!
Kinak wrote:Curse you its and it's! Curse yoooooooooou!
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Re: Spring Podcast Thread

Post by Kinak »

Okay, my scheduling has gotten a little crazy, so it'll probably be a while before I can podcast.

Here's the short version: my spouse was offered a promotion out in Seattle so we're... driving across the country, starting tomorrow. Sadly, not time for too many stops, but we'll be settled in Seattle (technically Redmond) by the end of the month.

I should be able to keep up on bug reports and the like, but obviously things might be a touch delayed.

I'm going to provide some quick answers, because it'll be a week or more before I can get back to this.
zatade wrote:Are there plans for an overarching quest (like the one in (Shilloh) for the 3 new areas, Ghost Town, Abandoned Shoe Factory and School of Villainy.
Sure is! It'll be the next in that arc. Where Shiloh was the Mad Scientist quest, this will be the Stalker quest.

And it'll include the Pyramid Casino as well. And possibly one more new zone.
Sanjuro wrote:Hi Kinak.

I don't have any questions. I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy working on creative projects here.
It's fun!
Thanks Sanjuro! It's been great working with you too :)

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Re: Spring Podcast Thread

Post by zatade »

Hi Kinak
Looking forward to the 'Stalker Quest' and possible new area. Hope the trip to Seattle goes well.
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