October Podcast Thread

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October Podcast Thread

Post by Kinak »

With the crafting contest closed for judging, it's time for October Podcast questions!

Ask and I shall answer! Please keep questions as short as you can (I'll be reading them for the first time as I'm answering) and don't answer other people's questions (it makes it hard for me to pick out the questions).

Along with the questions, I'll be revealing the winners of the crafting contest.

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Re: October Podcast Thread

Post by Patojonas »

#1 - What are you working on at the moment? What are the next big developments?

#2 - Saw that there is now an heirloom item we can put on league display for more prestige, is that the extent of the retcon benefits for a league? Or is there more in the planning?

#3 - TBA :mrgreen:
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Re: October Podcast Thread

Post by darkzumi »

1: Is there any possibility of a one-time crossover miniquest with NPCs from Metroplexity? For all we superheroes know, it could be a neighboring town!

2: When Darkzumi flexes his muscles of over 40,000 Strength at enemies, do they begin to sweat in terror of their upcoming beatdown?

3: A lot of games have Christmas-time seasonal quests or special events, any chance Twilight Heroes could do something like that?

Keep up the good work!
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Re: October Podcast Thread

Post by Sanjuro »

1- What have you been working on to promote the game and bring in new players?

2- What effect would a Trump presidency have on the game's finances? Are you planning to gold-plate the game's servers to make them resemble a Trump hotel?

3- Thank you for your hard work so far!

4- Oh, and the baseball teams I bad-mouthed last time made it to the playoffs. I'm tempted to do the same thing next season, but it will be an even-numbered year, which means the Giants will win again. Also, I read somewhere that Back to the Future predicted the Cubs would win the 2015 World Series.

5- The weather last summer was crazy hot, so I was a little surprised we didn't have a Dog Days event. I was hoping to see if the Dog was compatible with the sidekick/companion revamp. By the way, was the coding for the Dog the basis for the sidekick/companion revamp?
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Re: October Podcast Thread

Post by Kinak »

Thanks for the questions! The podcast is up on the blogplace.

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Re: October Podcast Thread

Post by xKiv »

Would someone with better english listening skills than mine post a writeup, please?
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Re: October Podcast Thread

Post by hoyifung04 »

Hopefully I captured the important bits without leaving out too much.

Kinak: This time: crafting contest, questions, and special announcement.
K: Crafting contest winners are: [Isladar] Improvised Grapnel; [aaron] classifieds; [Staunch] Mellow Submarine; [Staunch] Cheerleader (and intermediate item); [penguinpyro] Ion the prize; [xKiv] Ion Flask; [Sanjuro] Beady-eyed robot; [Sanjuro] Fragrant fowl; [The Leopard] Sophocle's bifocles.

Patojonas: What are you working on at the moment? What are the next big developments?
K: I just finished getting combat text for all enemies. Let me know if any are missing: humour is mandatory for villains now. I'm going for a new approach with more smaller content releases. I'm working on two big things; let me know which you prefer first: a mad scientist quest, which comes after the brute quest; or PvP revamp. A fair amount of the mad scientist quest is done; it would likely be released weekly over a few months. PvP is going to be more like a race; the system would be introduced as a whole (the hard part is done), with more events being added to the pool.
Patojonas: Saw that there is now an heirloom item we can put on league display for more prestige, is that the extent of the retcon benefits for a league? Or is there more in the planning?
K: Definitely going to be more. There's a lot of stuff I'd like to tie to Leagues: new bosses, stuff to purchase. Nothing on front burner right now.
darkzumi: Is there any possibility of a one-time crossover miniquest with NPCs from Metroplexity? For all we superheroes know, it could be a neighboring town!
K: They're very different tones. Twilight Heroes can get quite dark (e.g., Lovecraft zones, events leading to retcon[1]), but Metroplexity's always dark. I wouldn't expect to see that in the near future.
darkzumi: When Darkzumi flexes his muscles of over 40,000 Strength at enemies, do they begin to sweat in terror of their upcoming beatdown?
K: It's sort of like perspiring in that the walls are perspiring after they just explode with the sheer awesomeness that they are being confronted with. Little bit of column A, little bit of column B, they're not really perspiring because there's not a large enough fraction of them left to perspire, but everything around them is now perspiring, so it kinda works out.
darkzumi: A lot of games have Christmas-time seasonal quests or special events, any chance Twilight Heroes could do something like that?
K: As a player and designer, I love limited-time events. As a developer, I kinda hate them. In a game like TH you don't lose lose. In a limited-time event, you can lose, like getting timed out of it, which is why not defeating the League boss doesn't destroy the city. I like the Time event we had, where you could choose which rewards to get. If the permanent content train gets going, we'll talke more about temporary events.
Sanjuro: What have you been working on to promote the game and bring in new players?
K: Actually, the announcement is slightly related to that. Advertising has dried up over the summer for monetary reasons. The rest of the year is usually a lot better for us, as people are stuck indoors. At the moment, advertising is on hold. Other than that, there's some social media outreach and physical ads I can distribute without carpet-bombing my neighbourhood.
Sanjuro: What effect would a Trump presidency have on the game's finances? Are you planning to gold-plate the game's servers to make them resemble a Trump hotel?
K: It's really funny that we have Trump rising to prominence because Michael Ace is very clearly Donald Trump. It's a little weird to see him, as, you know, this crazy supervillain guy might be the next leader of the free world.
Sanjuro: Thank you for your hard work so far!
K: You're very welcome.
Sanjuro: Oh, and the baseball teams I bad-mouthed last time made it to the playoffs. I'm tempted to do the same thing next season, but it will be an even-numbered year, which means the Giants will win again. Also, I read somewhere that Back to the Future predicted the Cubs would win the 2015 World Series.
K: That would be nice, the Cubs winning. I'm not very involved with turn-based sports, if that makes sense.
Sanjuro: The weather last summer was crazy hot, so I was a little surprised we didn't have a Dog Days event. I was hoping to see if the Dog was compatible with the sidekick/companion revamp. By the way, was the coding for the Dog the basis for the sidekick/companion revamp?
K: There was some thought there. The way the Dog is set up now, it would effectively be in a third slot. The reason there was no dog days event was because I wanted to revamp it to make it a bit more meaty, with some sort of monsters you can fight, some companions you can get. It just didn't get set up in time for this year. I'd like to revive it in a more robust form, perhaps next year.

K: There is an announcement I want to mention. Those of you on the forums have probably noticed erfMortium is retiring. He's been giving out a ton of stuff. He was in possesion of a ridiculous quantity of items of the Month, especially for someone who joined so recently. He's always been interested in the game getting more players. He would like those items to be given out in a monthly raffle for folks who are bringing in new players. I've been reluctant in the past to hand our reward for that, but there comes a point where when someone make a gesture that sincere you just have to. In the next few days, I'm planning on releasing a page that's like, if you can't donate how can you help out the game, as people have been talking about it a lot. The basic outline is if you get a new player into the game, have them shoot me a message in-game of how they got into the game--and even if they aren't someone you recruited, if you see them in chat or whatever--I'll send them a small gift, some caffeine or sugar. But if they're like, oh, Sanjuro totally sent me, I'll put your name down for the raffle. And if this is phenomenally successful, we might end up sending out two or three items a month. I'm only planning on doing one, but at that rate, we're talking several year's worth of items, some of which are pretty intense. Like, three Hero's capes, highly implausible script, Recyclonizer, all these things which are just like wow. If you do see erfMortium around, be sure to give him a high five. If you want to see rewards like that in the game that is entirely his fault. I am planning on handling it manually. I'd like to provide the personal touch for new players.

K: Tell me if you have a strong opinion mad scientist or PvP. The new PvP will be much more connected with the rest of the game. If this helps, the new PvP system will be a little reminiscent of a daily run, where everyone will have the same set of challenges, and it's just a question of how well you are able to complete those challenges. It's less of a punching each other in the face (as enjoyable as that may be) and more of a head-to-head competition.

[1] "Compared to the rest of the game, it's like Bambi's mom dying."
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Re: October Podcast Thread

Post by xKiv »

Thank you.
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Re: October Podcast Thread

Post by Kinak »

Thanks, Hoy!

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