Minor bugs

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Sanjuro »

I was trying to break the game spading and saw that Blockee blocks show up in the Digitizer menu and the Box of Goats menu, but not in the Recylonizer.

Bug or feature?

EDIT: Ah, I get it. I'm still going to try to break the game, though.
Last edited by Sanjuro on Mon May 05, 2014 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

Sanjuro wrote:I was trying to break the game spading and saw that Blockee blocks show up in the Digitizer menu and the Box of Goats menu, but not in the Recylonizer.

Bug or feature?
Feature, I guess? Items that wouldn't give the Reclyclonizer any points aren't listed.

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Patojonas »

You down the blue potion, feeling $138 HP and 38 PP better.
Fixed, thanks!
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Sanjuro »

As I was cleaning up my inventory, I saw that the overwhelmingly cool duster appears in the Reclonizer and Digitzer menus, but not in the Box of Goats menu.
I did not try to recyclonize or digitize it. I'm not that crazy.

Most expensive TNT ever. Also, fixed, thanks!
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Sanjuro »

Master's yo-yo shows up in the Recyclonizer and Digitizer menus (but not the Box of Goats menu).

Clearly an error. Goats love yo-yos :)
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Harry Dresden »

This may just be the craptastic new version of Firefox, but if I put more than 999 of any item in the mall and then click Save the item number field goes blank. If I Save again, it removes the item from the store.

EDIT: Definitely broken by the new Firefox 30.0 version. My work laptop has an older version, 24.5, and the fields work fine on it.

Asked Firefox politely to stop deleting text when it isn't clear on formatting :roll:
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Cristiona »

I got that bug too with Pale Moon, so I just switched to 999. It seems the problem was four digits.
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

Cristiona wrote:I got that bug too with Pale Moon, so I just switched to 999. It seems the problem was four digits.
Did you get it just now or yesterday? Because I think it's fixed.

It looks like Firefox just decided it wasn't going to allow commas in fields labeled as numeric (fine) by clearing the fields when Javascript tried to insert them (not fine).

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Cristiona »

I tested after that post and it's all good now.
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

Cristiona wrote:I tested after that post and it's all good now.

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Harry Dresden »

When you use the Dart Shark opening and win chips, it calls them credits instead.

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Satan »

Not certain that the bug report feature is working, or perhaps my report was just missed. But there's an issue when transmogging with mechanic sidekick on. It would appear that the code sets your range directly to 0 and ignores the mechanic's + 1, so that when you equip any transport, you get its normal range instead of +1. If you then take off the mechanic, it decreases your range by 1, so that your base range is -1, and all equips give one less range than normal. Logging out and back in will fix the negative range issue, but it leaves the top pane confused. If you take off transport and leave on the mechanic, it shows university link (even if you directly refresh top pane or log out and back in), but correctly tells you that you don't have the range to go there, since mechanic doesn't apply when walking.
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

Hmmm, yeah, I don't think I got that one. Time to make sure spam filters aren't being dumb.

Should be good now in any case, thanks!

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Satan »

Logged out and back in, the top pane issue is still there. Could be I just need to transmog for it to reset me properly, I'll let you know tonight what happens.

EDIT: Confirmed that the negative range is fixed, but the top pane still thinks you can go to university when you can't.
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Cristiona »

Confirmed. Seems the top pane counts the mechanic when you're walking (and, presumably, when you have a 0 range vehicle).
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

I just didn't catch that there were two separate errors. It should display properly now. Thanks!

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Cristiona »

Goggles wrote:Can't stop playing flying games (+5% chance of enemy fumbles**)
Character Sheet wrote:Foe Fumble Chance: +0% (of +20%)
I can't find any source that would be impacting my foe fumble chance outside of the goggles, especially not one that would reduce foe fumbles.
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

Cristiona wrote:I can't find any source that would be impacting my foe fumble chance outside of the goggles, especially not one that would reduce foe fumbles.
Yeah, it was displaying the wrong thing. Should be better now, thanks!

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Satan »

I transmogged 20 days ago after getting towards the end of quest 5. I believe I had hit level 6, accepted the quest, but /not/ gotten the first non-com to start it. I want to say that I did not, but not sure.

Anyways, I got the badge today and leveled up to 5, finished the level 5 quest, and immediately went to go train in the bay. First adventure was the starting non-com for the level 6 quest. But there's no entry in the journal. I keep adventuring and defeat perch boy, still nothing in journal. Still not level 6 yet.

I level up to 6, beat troutmaster. And the end part of the quest is in the journal. Unfortunately I forgot to check if it showed up when I leveled up to 6, or just after beating troutmaster. It's possible this is a feature, quest won't show up until you're the appropriate level for it? I feel like that's kind of odd though. I'd prefer it to show up, if it's possible for me to do the quest. Not that this happens often.
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

The level 6 and 7 quests were a bit weird like that. They should display regardless of level if they've been started now, thanks!

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Sanjuro »

Just fyi, I disguised another 22.86 cm Screws today, and fought an impish villain.
Was this your intent?
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

Sanjuro wrote:Just fyi, I disguised another 22.86 cm Screws today, and fought an impish villain.
Was this your intent?
Yup, not a problem.

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Satan »

I hate to even report this... But I think there's something up with the heirloom knife damage. Fresh level 1, wearing only a mettle medal, starting suit, and the knife (at +4 damage), I'm getting stuff like 203 damage on a non-crit against the starting enemies.

EDIT: Was level 2, fumbled and killed myself... 26/26 HP, but 92 damage fumble >.>
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

I think that has more to do with dealing a 100 power weapon than the which weapon. Tricksy, those, but should even out on higher-level opponents.

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Sanjuro »

You pull on the Mind Bender and pull and pull, until there's nothing left but taffy. Hmmmm.
Should we be able to use the "Keep Pulling" opening against bosses?
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Harry Dresden »

Kinak wrote:I think that has more to do with dealing a 100 power weapon than the which weapon. Tricksy, those, but should even out on higher-level opponents.

Yep, I've found that by level 6ish the heirloom knife is barely cutting it for me (pun intended) and I have to change weapons to something with better bonuses.
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

Sanjuro wrote:
You pull on the Mind Bender and pull and pull, until there's nothing left but taffy. Hmmmm.
Should we be able to use the "Keep Pulling" opening against bosses?
Probably not. It doesn't hurt anything, but is a bit confusing. Should error now, thanks!

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Cristiona »

Aww. I wanted to turn The Mick into taffy!
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by xKiv »

Orwhal was enough for me.
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Sanjuro »

FYI, I turned Mind Bender into taffy twice, so I finally just defeated him normally to finish the quest.
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Cristiona »

Not seeing any "psychic damage following spells" when wielding the psychic glaive. I've tried using it with telekinesis, ice bolt, and mind jab. No bonus psychic damage evident.

Edit: Ohhhh.... I think I see. The psychic damage comes from physical attacks after spells...
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

Sanjuro wrote:FYI, I turned Mind Bender into taffy twice, so I finally just defeated him normally to finish the quest.
Yeah, that's why I was saying it doesn't hurt anything. It doesn't count as actually defeating that enemy, so it's just confusing that you can turn people into taffy then fight them again.

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Harry Dresden »

Kinak wrote: it's just confusing that you can turn people into taffy then fight them again.
If you can sell me a gun that will turn co-workers into taffy, I will give you all the money in the world. Especially if I can do it again and again and again and again and again.....
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Satan »

Fearsome Disguise

This description doesn't exist, or it hasn't been updated yet.
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

Satan wrote:Fearsome Disguise

This description doesn't exist, or it hasn't been updated yet.
Should be visible now, thanks!

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Cristiona »

The frozen medley dinner (vegetable) thing from the new IotM doesn't appear to do anything.
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Re: Minor bugs

Post by Kinak »

Cristiona wrote:The frozen medley dinner (vegetable) thing from the new IotM doesn't appear to do anything.
Oh, it does things. Mua ha. Mua ha ha.

Unless it doesn't, in which case I'm a jerk. But the effect isn't immediately obvious.

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Re: Minor bugs

Post by xKiv »

Like Iceberg Lettuce?
(I originally assumed it was like potatopotato, but apparently not?)
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