Minor interface tweak requests

For to fix what's broke, and improve what ain't. Or something thereabouts.

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

xKiv wrote:I didn't choose Chosen because it only matched at start of words.
Yeah, that bothered me at first, but you can set "search_contains: true" to make it search the middle of words (and allow spaces).
xKiv wrote:And I only played with Select2 enough to hit one major quirk - it doesn't keep selected position once I start filtering, even if the selected item would still be a possible option. That made me a sadface.
On small displays, it sometimes decides to dropup instead of dropdown. The fact that it drives me crazy aside, that means that it'll sometimes clip the search area and top element.

Chosen doesn't do that, but will extend the page you're in past the visible area (adding a scroll bar) if it needs room for the select, which is kind of weird. That's actually what I think I might be able to fix with more tinkering... or just ignore and call good, because it's not gamebreaking and is probably less annoying than manually searching in any case.
xKiv wrote:Well, I can always just keep it as a GM script and enable it where I want. Pro: works for me. Con: doesn't work for anybody else.
Yeah, it'd be a nice feature. I like it myself, but also work on a teeny laptop, so am very aware of when stuff doesn't work well on small displays.

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Sanjuro »

At the bottom of the Last Nostronomian Store, there's only a link to go back to the main map.
Could we get another link there to go back to the Industry district?

Yup, can do!
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Patojonas »

It'd be nice if the chalkboard had a note saying the character limit :wink:

Can do.
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Patojonas »

Could you reduce the time between purchases in the mall from 24 hours to something like 23:59:50 ?

This might sound ridiculous, but I have an alarm in my cellphone so I buy the item the second it becomes available again. However there are no perfect timings and every day it slips a few seconds into the night. Shaving a few seconds from the waiting time would balance this. Pretty please?

Also Lxndr mentioned the recyclonizer still not working with runs in a way similar to the digitizer which was promised to eventually happen...just a reminder :mrgreen:
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by xKiv »

Patojonas wrote:Could you reduce the time between purchases in the mall from 24 hours to something like 23:59:50 ?
Or just switch it to KoL way - reset on rollover (yes, this means that you can buy something right before rollover and then right after rollover again, but if you want to do that again you have to wait at least 48 hours so it eventually evens out).
Alternate 2: allow purchase X time before the limit time T is up, but then the next 24 hours starts at T again - so with X=1 hour, if I buy something at 16:00 on monday, I could buy it again at 15:00 on tuesday, and 15:00 on wednesday ...
... or if I instead wait too long and buy it at 17:00 on tuesday, I could then buy it again on 16:00 on wednesday and 16:00 on thursday ...
... or if I don't buy it on tuesday at all, I can buy it any time on wednesday and restart the timer
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

Patojonas wrote:This might sound ridiculous, but I have an alarm in my cellphone so I buy the item the second it becomes available again. However there are no perfect timings and every day it slips a few seconds into the night. Shaving a few seconds from the waiting time would balance this. Pretty please?
Hopefully you'll forgive me for saying so, but that's pretty intense.

Then again, I have a friend who has a phone alarm for when our local butcher posts their weekly special packages on Facebook. In her defense, they have really good specials.

Anyway, it should give you a grace period now.
Patojonas wrote:Also Lxndr mentioned the recyclonizer still not working with runs in a way similar to the digitizer which was promised to eventually happen...just a reminder :mrgreen:
I'm always extremely reluctant to buff no-longer-available donation items, so that'll probably come after all the stuff I've promised to do that I'm excited about and only slightly reluctant to do.

Or, if I'm revamping the recyclotron code for some other reason. Which I thought I'd have to do for the goats but, alas, your goats are in another castle... errr, php document.

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by xKiv »

"Uses left" counter on Disguise Foe skill description, please? (I wouldn't ask, but I noticed that Call of the Center has a "(Used Today)" now)
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

xKiv wrote:"Uses left" counter on Disguise Foe skill description, please? (I wouldn't ask, but I noticed that Call of the Center has a "(Used Today)" now)
Should be visible now.

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by xKiv »

Could we please get account option to set sizes of the UI frames?

Left frame (character pane) is too narrow for some location names and effect names (so I get broken lines, and don't see as many effects as I could, until I manually drag the frame).
Right frame (chat pane) would be better for me when wider - less scrolling, more text seen at once.
Top frame (menu pane) is dangerously narrow, misclicks spill between this frame and main pane or browser tab pane (possibly even closing a tab). This frame's content would need vertical centering to prevent said spills.

And content frame is too wide on my monitor. More than twice as wide as the UI seems to expect ;)
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

xKiv wrote:Could we please get account option to set sizes of the UI frames?
Probably, but probably not in a timely fashion. It's one of those fiddily things that I can only really make myself do when I'm in the mood to tinker rather than build stuff.

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Patojonas »

I manually adjust them whenever I see the need, quite easy too.

Would it be possible for the Orwhal and the Moletron to show beneath their names the amount of damage I've done so far? (where the offense stuff and the others show up). Since it's being tracked its only a matter of displaying it.

Also, I've asked for this before, but an "everyone" option in the name list in the league vault would help me loads so I can distribute the day's drops with 1 click.
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

Patojonas wrote:Would it be possible for the Orwhal and the Moletron to show beneath their names the amount of damage I've done so far? (where the offense stuff and the others show up). Since it's being tracked its only a matter of displaying it.
I wouldn't do that unless I was going to do it consistently (for all enemies). And I'd be surprised if I did it for all enemies. Sorry.
Patojonas wrote:Also, I've asked for this before, but an "everyone" option in the name list in the league vault would help me loads so I can distribute the day's drops with 1 click.
I do remember seeing that before and not really knowing what you wanted.

Do you mean an option to send one copy of the item to everyone on the list if the list is less than or equal to the number of that item in your vault? I'm not sure how useful that would be, but I'm also not sure if that's what you want.

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Patojonas »

Kinak wrote:Do you mean an option to send one copy of the item to everyone on the list if the list is less than or equal to the number of that item in your vault?
This. Sending X copies of item Y to all players. I'd help me distribute loot faster since we all contribute regularly in our league.

I guess it also makes league leaders want to kick out slackers, but that's a good thing if you ask me :P
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Patojonas »

A couple things:

Regarding leagues, would it be possible to add an asterisk next to the name of the people that already engaged the moletron? At least in my league it'd help make it clear who already did their share of damage ;) Something like this:
DerMagus, hoyifung04 and Trog* have already leapt into the fray alongside you*.

About Chat:

The very first thing I do when I open chat is clear the welcoming screen. That info is useful for newbies but useless for players already accustomed to the chat commands. I was wondering if you could implement something like the /taglen command to change what shows there when we open chat? Something like this:

/open default ->sets the text to how it is now in case someone wants it back

/open daytime -> replaces the current text by the outputs of the /day + /time commands

/open who-> replaces the current text by the output of the /who command

/open all -> replaces the current text by the outputs of the /day + /time + /who commands in this order, it's about the same size as the current default but actually useful info :P

I'd be pleased with just /open default and /open all :P
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by xKiv »

Could the 'Take an Opening' line in combat somehow indicate that the set of available openings changed since last round? This is obvious when the set changed from/to empty, or if the first available opening changed, but that's not always the case.
I have specifically noticed this in the ice-9 fight, when first opening is almost always 'Break the Iceberg'. Not that I would use any other opening in that fight, but it would be nice to see that I have the option, without having to click open a (possibly discombobulating) combobox.
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by zillow »

Equip link after you use the Septic scandals
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

zillow wrote:Equip link after you use the Septic scandals

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Patojonas »

In the league vault, could you move the distribution menu to be on top of the list with the stuff on the vault? It's a pain having to scroll down every time I send something. And it's only getting worse when new drops are created.
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Harry Dresden »

This is more about saving me some typing than anything, but would it be possible to get a Mall button or something that would automatically show all IOTMs for sale? Maybe with an option to exclude the NFS entries.
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

Harry Dresden wrote:This is more about saving me some typing than anything, but would it be possible to get a Mall button or something that would automatically show all IOTMs for sale? Maybe with an option to exclude the NFS entries.
There's the "Wok Item" option in the right dropdown menu. That'll at least give you all of the Wok equipment.

It would require some database futsing to the get rest to show up (basically going through and manually labeling all of them). But if people want it and the current "Wok Item" option isn't close enough, that's certainly something I can do.

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Harry Dresden »

Figures, I looked for that and totally missed it. You anticipated my request, which makes you the best coder ever!
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

Harry Dresden wrote:You anticipated my request, which makes you the best coder ever!
Woo! Go team!

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Patojonas »

Patojonas wrote:In the league vault, could you move the distribution menu to be on top of the list with the stuff on the vault? It's a pain having to scroll down every time I send something. And it's only getting worse when new drops are created.
*bump* :roll: :mrgreen:
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

Patojonas wrote:
Patojonas wrote:In the league vault, could you move the distribution menu to be on top of the list with the stuff on the vault? It's a pain having to scroll down every time I send something. And it's only getting worse when new drops are created.
*bump* :roll: :mrgreen:
So impatient! That was only, what, a year ago or something? :lol:

Anyway, should be moved now. Let me know if anything weird comes up.

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Patojonas »

looks gr8 up there, already used it and it was less of a pain so thanks a lot :mrgreen:
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by xKiv »

Can we get some sort of overview page with total modifiers -- from all equipment, effects, passives, etc... ?
Right now, when I want to know if equipping something would hit a modifier limit (critical chance, combat rate) or some other sort of magic number, I have to keep track of everything myself (or in a script that I haven't written yet).
Or at least add hard-limited modifiers to character page. That would be enough for what I was trying to do when I thought of this.
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

xKiv wrote:Can we get some sort of overview page with total modifiers -- from all equipment, effects, passives, etc... ?
Right now, when I want to know if equipping something would hit a modifier limit (critical chance, combat rate) or some other sort of magic number, I have to keep track of everything myself (or in a script that I haven't written yet).
Or at least add hard-limited modifiers to character page. That would be enough for what I was trying to do when I thought of this.
Should be appearing in the character's page now.

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by xKiv »

It brings one immediate point to attention, though - I have virtual lad's goggles set to "enemy fumbles". Description of the item puts the standard "Fumble and critical hit values are capped at +/- 20%." footnote on that, but it's not listed in my "capped bonuses" section. That appears as a minor inconsistence to me.
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Cristiona »

Fumble chance would be nice (super slickery adds 5%; not showing), initiative, and Madness level would all be nice.
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

Added fumble and initiative because initiative is a basic stat and fumble is capped.

I'm definitely not adding everything, though, so don't get too excited with the suggestions :)

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Harry Dresden »

You know what would be nice? If we could see everything on there. That would be awesome.
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by xKiv »

I suppose TH will net become Metroplexity clone ;)
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

Yeah, I'm sure there are no hidden modifiers in Metroplexity <_< >_>
Harry Dresden wrote:You know what would be nice? If we could see everything on there. That would be awesome.
That's a great idea, lets do that :P

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by xKiv »

Enemy fumbles are uncapped? Still not showing on character page, but still marked as "** Fumble and critical hit values are capped at +/- 20%." in description of Virtual Lad's goggles.
Kinak wrote:Yeah, I'm sure there are no hidden modifiers in Metroplexity <_< >_>
I sure haven't found any.
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Kinak »

xKiv wrote:Enemy fumbles are uncapped? Still not showing on character page, but still marked as "** Fumble and critical hit values are capped at +/- 20%." in description of Virtual Lad's goggles.
They're capped, it just wasn't being factored in properly for the display. If you see any other weirdness, log out and back in.

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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by xKiv »

Kinak wrote:
xKiv wrote:Enemy fumbles are uncapped? Still not showing on character page, but still marked as "** Fumble and critical hit values are capped at +/- 20%." in description of Virtual Lad's goggles.
They're capped, it just wasn't being factored in properly for the display. If you see any other weirdness, log out and back in.

Well .. I consider showing pre-cap values weird (i.e. "Spell Critical Chance: +24% (of +20%)"), even if it makes sense.

The other thing is that many of us have +3% critical chance that seems to be coming from the self-balancing weapon effect (with full skill points in upgrade weapons and improved tinkering, of course). But equipping +fumble things doesn't change displayed critical chance, which means that the description of self-balancing doesn't match what's happening.
I would expect either
1) any criticals caused by self-balancing to *not* count against the 20% critical chance cap, and that includes the ones caused by "natural" fumbles
2) all criticals caused by self-balancing to count against the cap, which would mean (for me, with my skill points) that anything that increases displayed fumble chance by +2% also increases displayed critical chance by +1%.
[testing this is where I noticed that the display is "$uncappedValue (of $cap)" - if it was displaying effective value, I could tell if the +3% counts against the cap]
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Re: Minor interface tweak requests

Post by Harry Dresden »

I like seeing the pre-cap values, because it tells me how much gear I could change out or which buffs I don't need to keep pumping PP into.
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