League Adverts

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League Adverts

Post by Cristiona »

A simple thread for people to advertise their league. Please list who the leader/recruiters are and any specifics about your league that you might have, such as why people should join, if you role-play, etc.
The churches are empty / The priest has gone home / And we are left standing / Together alone
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Re: League Adverts

Post by Computronic »

My league is The Black Hand http://www.twilightheroes.com/leagues.php?league=26. I named it after the group of Serbian nationalists who conspired, and successfully assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparking World War I. I primarily did it though because it's a cool name.:P My league is open to anyone and my vault is filled with goodies. I am an active player in this game and I keep on killing the Orwhal, though I hope that I will eventually be doing it as a group. I will be willing to share my vault contents with members as long as they mail me in game and request an item.
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Re: League Adverts

Post by Hardware »

The Stalwart Youth is a group of teen superheroes who have joined together to protect Twilight City, as well as have a little fun along the way. This is a themed league for players who envision their characters as teens, thus giving the league a feel similar to groups like Young Justice, Teen Titans or New Mutants. Roleplay is permitted and actively encouraged, either in the roleplay chatroom, or in league forums if and when such a feature is implemented. Characters should have a back story that describes the character appropriately.
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Re: League Adverts

Post by darkzumi »

The League of Legendary Leaders is looking for new members! My league is open to anyone who wants to join. Contact Darkzumi, Meefman, Arcanus, or Adarkar to join.
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Re: League Adverts

Post by darkzumi »

darkzumi wrote:The League of Legendary Leaders is looking for new members! My league is open to anyone who wants to join. Contact Darkzumi, Meefman, Arcanus, or Adarkar to join.
Just wanted to let all of you legendary people know that we are still looking for new members. :)
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