In addition to being a Babylonian goddess, Tiamat part-times as the only chromatic dragon in the entirety of D&D. She has five heads. (Prismatic = chromatic)
ANYWAY. Since the prismatic items seem to be unloved, and this is the Prismatic Item month (forever and ever and ever, you hear me, Kinak?!

SO, this is a contest to be the first person to go through one Trainee retcon for each of the classes. Prizes include:
* the Dreampants
* the Prismatic Sports Bra
* the current items
(frustratingly, I could not get my hands on an Axe; if I manage to get one of them, I will add that to the contest stash)
First come, first served.
Post in this thread to announce your intentions. Your retcons will only count AFTER that point.