If first encounter in a Cave is a villain...

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Harry Dresden
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Re: If first encounter in a Cave is a villain...

Post by Harry Dresden »

Villains interrupt any travel between zones, so your "Patrol again at..." link will not update to where you wanted to go but remain at where you were.
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Re: If first encounter in a Cave is a villain...

Post by xKiv »

Except that you can get a static villain for the place you were intending to go to, and *still* be interrupted enough to patrol again at the place you were before you met the villain.

It's at least a bit incongruent (see previous paragraph), unintuitive (see people expecting it to work the other way until they are told otherwise) and inconvenient (I still want to go to the place I wanted to go to before a villain interrupted me ... why do I have to go through all the clicking to get to the zone again?).

Is there any actual reason behind it being that way, or is it just "that's how it organically ended up", "that's how it has always been" and "not worth doing anything about"?
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Re: If first encounter in a Cave is a villain...

Post by Ryme »

It is either:

a) an oversight I'll try to fix quickly
b) deeply problematic because of the nature of the caves, and really hard to fix.

Currently I couldn't tell you which.
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Re: If first encounter in a Cave is a villain...

Post by Cristiona »

I thought that was fixed for most zones.
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Re: If first encounter in a Cave is a villain...

Post by Ryme »

It is. That's why those are the two options left.
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