Casino Quest changes

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Casino Quest changes

Post by Ryme »

The casino quest flow has changed a bit.

1) You only need to get one card from the VIP guest. It's now a "heavily encrypted swipe card" so you have to decrypt it multiple times, but you do not need to find multiple cards. These cards are normal drops, and are affected by item drop. As such, they're also no longer 50% drops, but something a bit lower. The VIP can be lassoed (or any other item that does the same thing).

2) Discovering the back of the house happens after decrypting the key, instead of before.

3) The blotto sotto key can only be found after you've found the locked store room. This key is also a normal drop now, affected by +item. Other than that the drop rate has not changed. I don't think the capos can be lassoed at all.
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Re: Casino Quest changes

Post by Ryme »

Also, if you were in the middle of this quest, particularly if you hadn't discovered the store room yet, contact me because I may need to send you a new key card to keep things going.
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Re: Casino Quest changes

Post by Strlikecrazy »

Ryme wrote:1) You only need to get one card from the VIP guest.
Best. Update. EVER! :D
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Re: Casino Quest changes

Post by Kurg »

I heartily approve these changes! :D
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Re: Casino Quest changes

Post by Mana Yachanichu »

Yay! Of course tomorrow or the next day I will be doing this quest for the first time in 3 years . . . so I have no basis of comparison.
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Re: Casino Quest changes

Post by Ryme »

I would like to reaffirm that if you're in the middle of the quest, you really should talk to me first. Bug reports that read "I know the quest changed but I spent all of my turns trying to get through anyway and it didn't work so now I'm seeing if you can fix it" make baby Ryme cry. All old "ripped key cards" are completely useless. You need a different card entirely.
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Re: Casino Quest changes

Post by Muhandes »

Lucky for me it seems that although I was in the middle, I was in a part that did not break and was able to complete the quest. Great move - maximizing item drop got me the key on the first blotto.

As far as I can remember (OK. that's what I wrote in the wiki a year ago) the blotto was resistant to voodoo only during that specific step the quest, and I suppose this is still the case.
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Re: Casino Quest changes

Post by Ryme »

Doc Igor wrote: So does this mean that those of us who have a collection of them can safely retcon without losing the collection, now? Since if they aren't a quest item any longer, there's no reason to take them away, right?
I make no such promises. There's a good chance they'll be deleted entirely and replaced with something else in the future. But I don't promise that, either.
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