Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by seventhcross »

Entry number 3, the final one.
Dateless Work Gloves
Weld: malkamite + work gloves
You've managed to create a pair of work gloves that are so old, they may as well be from the dawn of time. They must be really sturdy to have held up all this time. Of course using them allows you insight into how hard working conditions really were back then. You spend so much time working with them that you have no free time left for... more important pursuits...

No sidekick allowed? (may be to debilitating, but sure sounds funny for this item!)
Could also increase str or have the - fumble and + critical attributes.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by DuRhone »

Alright, Here are my 3:

(Pile of Bricks + Empty Tank) Brick Out-house.

Can be installed in your hide out.

"This is a place where, well, you can unwind and read a book while resting. What else could you use it for?"

Adds to HP/PP gain when resting. If the hero also has a Recyclonizer, then it can be flushed once a day to add +25 rescourses.


(Xentrium Barding + Motorcycle) Iron Horse

transportation range 5

subtracts -10 initiative (negative effect)
subtracts -10 seconds per turn

"This motive is truly loco. Perhaps it is the riding club or something that reminds you of the 60s? You know John Ford and Allen Ginsburg would be proud."


(Royal Crown + Pentium) In-tel's Crown of the mighty Gates

"This is the crown that everyone absolutely, positively hates, but they cannot do business without it. It occasionally falls off the
head for no reason and seems to attract sick people... you know folks with viruses. If the crown suddenly turns blue, it may simply stop working. It can cause people to have fits of violence due to frustration."

+10% Chips
+10 Foe level
- 5% Item find
Last edited by DuRhone on Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Carygon Nijax »

Lamp post - Paladinum

Hal's beard's halberd

Now.. how can a beard use a halberd? you think a normal one could not! but this is not any commoner beard! this is Hal's beard! a mighty beard!! like Sam's son... no.. wait.. that was just hair. Well the beard is hair too, but you got my point, right?
Anyway.. a halberd is a knightly weapon, and a beard is a proof of toughness -look at Carlos Ray Jr. if you don't believe me- so in the end you feel a lil' stronger

melee weapon -Halberds are known for having a large handle, but we can avoid that-
% of strengh
+ melee damage
Top 10 on the Total Post list
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by AldenteVonTino »


royal crown + smart suit + pandimensional scepter + clockwork gears = Regal Associate (sidekick)

"You weld the items together and make your own friend. The Regal Associate looks so sharp, you are almost jealous. Together you head out to find something to do."

+10% item drops
+10% chips
+10% chance enemy fumble
+10% xp
decreased turn length (1 sec/Level)

(EDIT: This does leave creative control of combat quotes entirely up to creative inspiration, should it win!)
Last edited by AldenteVonTino on Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Deathkiller »

Here's my three welds:

Knife (or possibly Burma Razor due to it's shape) + Enerbun Sphere = Bun's Blade

"In an effort to empower your knife you attempt to fuse it to an Enerbun sphere. The sphere absorbs the knife, which then hangs in timeless space for a moment before disapating with a loud "krak". A moment latter a switchblade appears from thin air and falls to the ground, snapping open with a decidely menacing 'ka-click'."

Small slashing weapon, high damage, increases intelect and reflexes and grant the ability for super jumps (poing!)

2.) (it's a longer assembly, so hopefully this won't count as multiple items, since I'm envisioning each component as pretty much useless except as a component... also hope I can get away with the use of the Magic Truck since it's a once in a lifetime, but it's a pretty worthless one and I love the idea of being able to supe up a truck very gageteer hero feel to it for me)
Titanuim pipe + titanium pipe = L beam, L beam + titanium pipe = U beam, U beam + U beam = partial roll cage, partial roll cage + partial roll cage = roll cage, roll cage + titanium plating = armored truck cap, armored truck cap + magic truck = broken down APC, motor + fusion pack = electric engine, electric engine + broken down APC = Mean Green Machine

"This monster truck was a concept car for Ecomotors showing that evironmental doesn't need to be friendly. Heavly armored and powerful enough to run over anything in it's way this electic truck is a hybrid of a hippies environmental sensitivity and a bulldozers insensitivity"

Vehicle, range 4, increases defense and and possibly something else (damage?)

CTHULHU disc: Book of Hidden Things + horrid Tentacle = Hentia lash

"Inspired by the cover art of the CTHULHU disc you forge your horrid tentacle into a naughty whip. It seems to twitch of it's own accord... moving disrubily towards people... odldly enough enough it seems most drawn towards school girls."

whip weapon, increased initiative and some type of "naughty" descriptive text on critical hits.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by acidcat »

Illuminum Falcon - transport
(Either weld Illuminum to jetpack, or big weld like xentrium barding using illuminum, jetpack, eagle feather, electronic cabling, guidance system, laser macrodiode etc).

This transport is fast - it can get from one side of the city to the other in less than 12 parsecs. Even though, it's less than 2 kilometers across the city...

Transport - 5, reduces turn time due to speed. Maybe some kind of laser benefit from Chewie manning the guns.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Sanjuro »

Heh. I liked the cranky old bastard sword and righteous shades. 8)

Here's my 3 entries:
1. Robocap + malkamite = Flinty Beret
Like the one Flint wore in the old G.I. Joe cartoons. (moar G.I. Joe references, plz) It makes you old and flinty, and gives you the benefit of more experience.

2. Platinum necklace + malkamite = Venerable Bead Necklace
A necklace made with tiny beads of malkamite. Just think of all the history behind this thing!
(Venerable Bede was a medieval English historian)

3. Saw glove + infernium slab = Fire Drill
I just can't figure out how to make a Chinese version...
(A melee weapon with bonus fire damage)

EDIT: Added some explanatory notes (in parentheses).
Last edited by Sanjuro on Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Ryme »

Keep 'em coming! There's some good stuff in here. I'm mostly waiting for the end to really pay attention so I don't get favorites early, but at least a couple have made me laugh out loud, and a lot of others are nice and witty.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by AldenteVonTino »

Ion beamer + Moonbow = Moonbeam
Ranged weapon (Energy weapon)
Power: 175
Level Required: 15
Autosell value: 750

Increased chance of combat adventures.
Prevents Weapon Fumbles
+10% fire damage
+10% to hit
+10 to initiative
+5% chance of critical hits.
+5% Item Drops

"This bow shines brightly, lighting up even the darkest places around you. The steady hum soothes one to the very core of one's being, helping one stay focused. It's even hard to drop this bow, for one does not grasp the bow, but places one's hand inside, in effect making the bow part of oneself."

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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by The Leopard »

Holy Hand Grenade Launcher
paladinum + U.R.L.
ranged weapon (Exotic ranged)
+fire damage
+50% damage against rabbits

And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."

Saigon sai
byzantium + large knife
Melee weapon (slashing, small)
+to hit

With the Saigon sai, you can't Miss.

five fingers of discount
pentium + armored gloves
+item drop
+foe toughness

These gloves help you get more stuff, but when you think about it, all this junk you pick up isn't really yours, is it? Even if they are bad guys, is it right for you to take their belongings? The moral dilemma weighs heavily on your conscience, and your enemies will seek to exploit that.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by zillow »

Cosmic crystal + Cosmic crystal = Useless shards
When welded:
In the process of welding the two crystals together they both explode and a wave of cosmic energy is blasted out of them.
You gain: 120 min - Cosmic Energy
+10 weapon attack
+10 ranged attack
+10 spell damage
Useless shards, do nothing =P
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Patojonas »

Raymann's Sphere

Enerbun Sphere + Malkamite

Offhand item

Power: 0

Level Required: 23

Long ago a mathematician theorized a sphere that could contain all existent and imaginary numbers but one on its surface. A mad physics scientist based on his works conceived another sphere that alike the previous was able to contain all but one of some things. For some unknown reason (certainly something about his childhood) he was interested in memories and thus the sphere was able to reveal all but one past event of a place.

All he needed was enough energy to distort the space-time continuum and a way to keep all that energy from destroying everything around it!

Like all scientists he named the thingy after himself, however the government didn't fund his research because they were interested in "more useful things", like projecting commercials on clouds during Summer nights.

His theory was forgotten, however after all this years you managed to accomplish it! By welding a sheet of a metal so resistant it has been around since the dawn of time to a Enerbun Sphere not only did you ignite the Enerbun but you also managed to contain its immense energy withing a small volume! And guess what, it works! By focusing yourself into the eerie light it gives off you can see events from the past that occurred at your current location, and sometimes even fights!

+10 initiative
+10 defense

(because you've already seen the place and figured how to use it to your advantage)

+5 seconds turn length

(due to the gazing into the sphere)

+42XP - 84XP Occasionally (probably with some creative messages about the visions)

(Occasionally you'll see a fight and gain extra XP from that)
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Ryme »

Man, you folks really don't make these contests easy. Collectively you're all full of good ideas, and it's going to take me months to add as many of these as I'd like to. More than 30 items made it through my first pass, and a dozen even in my second pass. There's just a lot of good, creative stuff to choose from.

Computer and transportation items seemed to be popular, so I may look into more of those. Changing the computer system is downright nightmarish, so I'm not quite sure what I can do there, but I'll give it some serious thought.

Honorable mentions:
* Pentameter by blackmatter615
* Empire's Glasses by LiiLii2
* Epic Flail by Jesus
* Song of the Siren and Ryme of the Ancient Mariner by Seventhcross
* Battle bot by Babbolonien
* Brick Outhouse by DuRhone
* Knight Writer by Lichen
* Staff of the crusader, by Fly Die0
* Palindrone by The Mighty Coyote
* Holy Hand Grenade Launcher by The Leopard

Top prize goes to:
Blatz for telekenetic katana + malkamite = Cranky Old Bastard Sword

Good pun, great name, fits the theme, and even other competitors were pulling for it.

Second prize goes to:
Sanjuro for robocap + malkamite = Flinty Beret

We *do* need more GI Joe references in the game. Also, fantastic choice of the word "flinty" to fit in with the malkamite theme.

Third prize goes to:
Aariana for paladinum + threeinforced cap = Defender of the Crown

Old video game reference and witty combination with the paladinum/defender theme make this a winner.


You guys are never going to believe this, but I've already implemented the three winning recipes! I'm going to need a few days (or a few weeks, or whatever) to get moving on some of the other recipes (there's a whole bunch I'm very excited to make use of).

Winners will get their prizes shortly, and for these or any other recipes as I implement them I'll deliver 50 of that item to the creator.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by AldenteVonTino »

WTG winners!
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Muhandes »

Ryme wrote:You guys are never going to believe this, but I've already implemented the three winning recipes!
Right, this is unbelievable. New items on top of the IotM which seemed like a lot of work on itself.

Gz to the winners, and looking forward to see more of these ideas implemented.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by zyborg »

Congraturation, winners! I didn't think that the Crazy Old Bastard Sword would be overlooked, yet first place? I'm happy, that was probably my favorite entry of anyones... yes, even mine. I knew mine weren't very good, but I thought someone needed to suggest nunchucku.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by AldenteVonTino »

Legally, now that I look the entire thread over again for inspiration and insight, I notice I only had one legal entry, since the rest involved more than one item. hehe
Still, damn good entries every one!
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by the SUPERnaturalist »

just an opinionated question:

should 2/3 of the new recipes really require a relatively superlimited item (not that i mind) ?
i mean, considering that there's less malkamites out there than some iotms..

but then again if you KEEP giving it as a prize for these contests i guess thats ok then
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Ryme »

the SUPERnaturalist wrote:just an opinionated question:

should 2/3 of the new recipes really require a relatively superlimited item (not that i mind) ?
i mean, considering that there's less malkamites out there than some iotms..

but then again if you KEEP giving it as a prize for these contests i guess thats ok then
I think you missed the part where two classes now have the ability to make malkamite out of other metals. It shouldn't be any rarer than cybertronium, once people start converting it.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by DuRhone »

I spaded Cybertronium for a few days this month I will post the findings in another thread.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Muhandes »

Ryme wrote:I think you missed the part where two classes now have the ability to make malkamite out of other metals.
I think we all missed that one. I guess not many people are playing elementals.

(It's now all in the wiki in case someone had any doubt)
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Jesus »

Of course, if the other locations in the space station are anything like the Delta, then maybe around half of all the critters drop cybertronium, and the ones that do only drop it around 5% of the time. Given the prices of cybertronium-derived metals in the AH, it doesn't seem that many Elementals or Gadgeteers are heavily invested there. Or they are, and there's some big conspiratorial agreement among them not to flood the market.

If people really wanted to get the new metals, they'd farm the cybertronium themselves and hit up their appropriately-classed friends to convert it.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by DuRhone »

Jesus wrote: If people really wanted to get the new metals, they'd farm the cybertronium themselves and hit up their appropriately-classed friends to convert it.
.... and I would like to thank all of my appropriately classed friends... 8)
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Sanjuro »

Wow, thanks! :o

Congratulations to the other winners. There were some very funny ideas out there.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Ryme »

Some of these recipes, or things inspired by these recipes, have gone live. Mostly ones not using the three new metals (with an exception or two), because I'm trying to do those as sets later. Got at least two or three times as many still to put in later, but this'll have to do for a start.

Suggestors will get prizes (50 of the item) in a couple of days. Don't want to spoil which recipes I've put in yet.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Ryme »

Added a dozen pentium-related welding recipes. Many inspired by suggestions here, but not all, and not all precisely as suggested.
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Cristiona »

Ryme, on Dec 22, wrote:Suggestors will get prizes (50 of the item) in a couple of days. Don't want to spoil which recipes I've put in yet.

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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Cristiona »

*coughs again* >_>
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by AldenteVonTino »

**hands Cris a cough drop**
8) :wink: 8)
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Re: Welding Recipe contest - Ends Nov 30, 2009

Post by Cristiona »

A completely innocuous bump. :P
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