A Matter of Color

Talk about the game. What game? The game with the power? What power? The power of ... aw, skip it.

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Post by MagiNinjA »

Sorry to derail this, but I don't see why colors are such a huge problem. Especially for only one post. Not like anyone forbids colors on the KoL forums.

Now, if colors get spammy, then yeah. But otherwise? I'm fine with it.

And yeah, I decided to put this issue public so other people can see what the outcome is.
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Post by TheK3vin »

Furthing the derailment:
Personally, I find it pretty annoying when someone posts in all bold and blue text for no apparent reason. It just bugs me when people will use random colors. I don't want to read this whenever someone posts.
Last edited by TheK3vin on Sat Nov 10, 2007 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by neocamp22 »

Thought I'd split this off....
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Post by MagiNinjA »

Good idea to split.

And yeah, agreed with TheK3vin. Excessive is where the line is drawn.
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Post by Ryme »

Official forum ruling.

Color and bolding is acceptable for emphasis, clarity, organization (like a bunch of headers and subheaders) or an occasional joke. It should be limited to a few words here or there.

It's also to be used by moderators to distinguish their editorial comments from regular conversation--this is particularly important if they post inside someone else's posts.

Color, bold, italic, etc., should NOT be used on huge blocks of text or for entire messages. It's not necessary, it's hard to read, and it tends to give the impression you're modulating your voice in funny ways (shouting, looking at me funny while talking, etc.). Other than the exceptions mentioned above, messing with that stuff can only make it more difficult to read what you're saying, and things on the internet tend to be hard enough to translate without visual issues being added to the mix. Fair?
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Post by TheK3vin »


Lol, just kidding...
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Post by IcyFreak »

I took the liberty of adding that Official Forum Ruling to the FAQ thread. It's under paragraph 6b, because I couldn't find anyplace better to put it. And it deserves to be up there, to avoid further occurrences of this sort.

Have a nice day.

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