today's maintenance

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today's maintenance

Post by Ryme »

Took the game down for a moment today to update the way the items bonuses system works. In theory, you shouldn't notice any differences at all. However, if I made any mistakes, some items may mistakenly had their bonuses changed. If you see anything with a different bonus/effect than what this had yesterday, please let me know so I can fix it.

This applies only to items: equipment, vehicles, talismans. It shouldn't affect any effects from skills, pills, potions, or sidekicks or anything like that.
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Cristiona »

Livia's icicle pendant was changed from +500% XP to +10 ice damage >_>
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Ryme »

oh let me get right on that
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by MagiNinjA »

No. And this update didn't affect that.
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Carygon Nijax »

did you do something with the modifiers of the chip percentages?
I don't think they are workinbg properly. I used to take an average of 500 chips by turn o the castle.. and now it is just 300. with the same equipment and the same buffs
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Ryme »

That *might* be possible, for instance if I renumbered the chips drop item wrong. Or an item that used to have chips drop doesn't anymore. However, I've tried a little testing, and I'm pretty sure that the bonuses are carrying through. Main thing would be to check if an item's description had changed to something else from chips. Any of your gear looking fishy?
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Carygon Nijax »

Not really.. but I can't notice significative changes.. the %chips are all the ussual and the descriptions looks fine to me... I'll try to check if without the equipment the chips I get is the same or less


Edit (to prevent double posting): I changed all my equipment, including my talisman.. and the only difference I notice is that the ammount of chips that are drop in the castle are kind of minor... I.E.
With the alchemist I got about 200 chips.. with the modifiers 300. and before close to 500 (480)
with the castle guard almost the same, 150, 250. and before 550
and and so with the redux guard

maybe you changed that even before that thing.. but.. I don't iknow.. I didn'y logged in since tuesday


Ok. now I see an improvement. ios not yet what it used to be.. but anyway.. you can have anything you want in your life right?
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Ryme »

What would be more useful than just a list of before and after numbers (as you remember them) would be to do the math. What are the chips drops on the equipment you're wearing? How does that compare to the base drop? It should be simple math to see if you're in the right range or not.
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Corrupt Shadow »

What the hey--?!

I lost 70M in large chips!

There goes all my 100k DD wins!
I've won the 100k DD bet so many times, I should have the title "Mr. Luck"
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Carygon Nijax »

its ok.. I'm done with it.. kind of resigned... I'm still 100 chips bellow ussual, with the same equipment.. I mean.. after you farm this much on the game you tend to know what is the media of chip drop, right?...

just forget it
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Ryme »

Uh, no. I don't think that's the right approach at all. I think that's a horrible approach.

What I think you SHOULD do, is what I suggested before. Add up all the chips bonuses on your items and tell me what that number is. It will take 30 seconds with a calculator, maybe 45 without.

It will be immediately clear to me if something is broken if those two numbers don't add up. It's simple, it's scientific, and it may help fix the game if it's broken.
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Carygon Nijax »

ok.. doin' all the maths.. I found out the following

comparing -I'm not sure is that an actual word now- the chip drops from me without the modifiers and with the midifiers I'm getting about 55% more chips -wich is OK due to my equipment-

but now... check this out..

comparing "me with the modifiers" and what the wiki says is the standar chip drop.. I'm only getting 10-15% more chips

maybe I'm the only one with this issue because I was cursed by Livia's icicle without niticing it?
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Ryme »

Those aren't the numbers I'm looking for. What I want is a list of the equipment you're wearing and the modifiers it says you're supposed to have.

Wearing hat x - 5%
wearing shirt x - 3%
accessory Y - 10%

total = +130% chips

All I want is the bonuses. I can do all of the other math. I will look at the average base drops, add your bonuses, and compare those numbers to see if they add up. (Also note that I'll need a list of any +chips bonuses that come from effects. Buffs, sidekicks, etc. If you don't know the numbers, list the buffs and I can check the numbers.)

I can't, however, guess what your chip farming outfit is, because you're currently wearing something else. Also, if anything is broken, it's likely to be one of those items specifically, so I need to know which ones they are.
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Carygon Nijax »

ok. sorry. I missunderstood... there goes the list, the items not listed do not affect the chip drop percentages

Hat: Royal Crown= 5%
weapon: long arm of the law = 5%
gloves: coldfinger gloves = 4%
boots: Roderick's Boots = 10%
offhand: plastiscanner = 10%
Acc1: sunglasses = 6%
Acc2: monarch butterfly pin = 5%
talismnan : Ultimate Aviatior Googles = 10%
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Ryme »

All right, that's exactly what I needed. Okay, so that's +55% chips from equipment.

As you've observed yourself, the mobs in that zone, without modifiers, are in the range of 200 chips, with some variation.

55% of 200 is roughly 100.

200 + 100 = 300.

So what you're seeing sounds correct. With those bonuses, you should be getting around 300 most turns. To get from 200 up to 500 chips, you'd need at least +200% chips (there's lots of rounding going on), and you're nowhere near that.

Possible solutions:

1) Something was broken before, and the update fixed it, but the numbers are definitely right now.
2) You used to have some additional + chips benefits that you've forgotten about and no longer have. Effects/buffs, sidekick, something.
3) Your memory is playing tricks on you, and you didn't used to get 500 chips. With very good luck you might have seen a drop in the low 400s, at best, with this setup on the guard redux.

I can't think of anything else besides those that might explain it.
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Cristiona »

Also keep in mind that total averages in the castle require a lot of work to keep up because so many of the enemies don't drop any chips.
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Ryme »

That's true for averages, yes, but won't affect the drops at the end of each fight, which is what we've been talking about thus far.
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Re: today's maintenance

Post by Carygon Nijax »

Ok... I think I brought some trouble on you.. thanks for the answers ^_
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