Blinks Journal: 1

Off-topic posts about whatever, including off-the-wall posts about being on walls.

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Re: Blinks Journal: 1

Post by Olaf »

Wunderbar, mein herr! Wunderbar!
Blink wrote:My teeth are the streets of this city, the criminals, gingivitis, I am the toothbrush.
Some of the similes seemed a bit forced, though.
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Re: Blinks Journal: 1

Post by Olaf »

Blink wrote:Correction, those are metaphors. wrote:metaphor

The comparison of one thing to another without the use of like or as: “A man is but a weak reed”; “The road was a ribbon of moonlight.” Metaphors are common in literature and expansive speech. (Compare simile.) wrote:simile [(sim-uh-lee)]

A common figure of speech that explicitly compares two things usually considered different. Most similes are introduced by like or as: “The realization hit me like a bucket of cold water.” (Compare metaphor.)
Blink wrote:I see the world outside my dark dank apartment, a filthy city, like a shady man in trenchcoat hiding in alleyways selling jelly doughnuts near fat camp.
Panting loudly like in an obscene movie, I arrive late.
It stares back at me like the dead eyes of the abyss, drawing countless souls towards it.
After work it got dark, like my childhood after being told there was no Santa.
Like the promises of a stepfather to his red-headed stepchild.
Like Russian duet singers pretending to be lesbians.
Collapsing on the couch looking over the mess sadness stabs my heart like hospital patient with high cholesterol.
Like a painter painting his canvas.
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Re: Blinks Journal: 1

Post by Satan »

Um, the thing that you quoted /was/ a metaphor. Unless that quote was unrelated to the sentence that followed it about similes.
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Re: Blinks Journal: 1

Post by Olaf »

I quoted the metaphor because I enjoyed it. I would not have said "though" if I was referring to it. I would have also not put space between the quote and the smile comment if they were related.
Well, I've got a hat!
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