Slightly oddish item drops

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Re: Slightly oddish item drops

Post by Ryme »

mischal wrote: I can understand, kinda, why an Australian alligator seeker would drop a boomerang. Those aussie's are a strange bunch after all. But What is this guy doing wearing a football helmet??!
You'll notice that the Ozzie description talks about him supporting his favorite football team, and the "football" helmet in question is described in a way to explain the issue completely.

Or rather, you won't notice, but once I point it out you'll probably go back and read the description and then catch on. :wink:
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Re: Slightly oddish item drops

Post by Corrupt Shadow »

Ryme wrote:Or rather, you won't notice, but once I point it out you'll probably go back and read the description and then catch on. :wink:
:lol: LMAO :lol:
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Post by Ryme »

mischal wrote: I'm positive every item drop in the game has been thoroughly thought through by you.
Alliteration and rhyming aside, this is far from true. I just thought it funny that the first item you mentioned happened to actually have a thorough explanation for its weirdness. There's plenty of things far more random, and with far less explanation. It's all good, either way--I wasn't complaining, just informing.
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