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Off The Wall...

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:14 pm
by AldenteVonTino
Thought I'd start a thread for almost basically random anything at the moment. You know? Off the wall? But there's a catch: Each post must have something to do with a wall. Be it an actual event, or a story about a wall, something that happened while you were sitting one day where you live on a wall, Walldo jokes, etc. Ok, I'm stretching it now so let me close this post and get on with MY first wall post, another example of a valid 'wall' post. (And yes I know I spelled Waldo wrong. It's a joke, get it?)


Re: Off The Wall...

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:16 pm
by AldenteVonTino
Today marks my first actual test to see if I can sit for two solid hours at my computer. At the event of this post to the internet, I have sat up for a solid 30 minutes!
(Until today I have literally been bouncing off the walls with boredom!)
:lol: 8) :lol:

Re: Off The Wall...

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:00 pm
by AldenteVonTino
Ok, here is another example of a wall-type post.
A video on YouTube where in the video a guy stares at a wall!
CLICKY>> Very Nice Video<<CLICKY
(Oh, and yes it also pertains to super heroes, too! Shows how much work it takes to create one.)
8) :lol: 8)

Re: Off The Wall...

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:06 pm
by AldenteVonTino
(Oh, PS: Might also be an introduction to another method of getting the name of TH out there? A good video?)
:?: :idea: :?:

Re: Off The Wall...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:58 am
by Lxndr
It looks like the writing is on the wall.

I'm going to need another brain surgery in the near future. Something's growing up there, again.