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Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:15 am
by Cristiona
Oh, right. 2%. Still when your REF is 10, a 2% boost is... well...

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:01 am
by Ryme
BongBob wrote:How about a merit badge for speedsters/Flash? E.g. for having at least a certain amount of -sec per turn modifiers?
It's kinda funny, but it's been suggested twice in the last day, so it might be a bit too obvious.

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:48 pm
by Cristiona
Dropping to 1% would make it worse in some ways. Assuming the game rounds up, a player would need over 100 in a stat before +1% is equal to a paltry +2. Most of the low level stuff is a flat boost. Likewise, someone with 2000 in a stat would get a +20 with a +1%. Personally, I'd say a flat +5 would be more useful to most players.

For what it's worth, a flat +5 would be about the boost an average, non-VR'd Elemental would get from a 1% boost at level 100.

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:43 am
by Cristiona
1% items? Meh. Useless but fine. 1% stats? Pretty much completely useless.

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:59 am
by Ryme
You two are seriously bickering over the effects of a humor item suggested in the "creative player ideas" thread? :shock:

Call it +1 AND +1% and you're both happy.

Call it +1 AND -1% and it's worth something until your stats hit 50 and then it's worthless. Which is even funnier.

Give it a level to equip requirement of 8, and that's funnier still.

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:40 am
by Hannahmaus
Well that was half Cristiona's point, a very small percentage stat boost is nothing to someone early in the game, a flat increase sounds better. Anyway, details like stat boosts are for Ryme to figure out, the main thing here is the concepts, which are really good. :)

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:27 am
by Muhandes
Somehow I always envisioned a spade called "spade of spading", maybe with an image reminding of spade cards suit. And of course it should have 1% item drop.

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:09 pm
by darkzumi
I have an idea for a new villain: Dr. Swill! A parody of Dr. Phil! Have combat messages like "He asks you to help him to help you to help him hit you, but you refuse." or "he tries to convince you the best thing to do is let him beat you, but you remain unconvinced by his swill." Maybe he could be an enemy boss in a new area, or in an existing area. Maybe he could have minions that are parodies of his family? That'd be cool if he was the boss for a new quest! What do you all think of this idea?

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:20 pm
by Satan
Personally, his gloves were the cool part to me.

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:48 pm
by the SUPERnaturalist
or let your rorshac mask give a "flip out" or berserk kinda thing where you gain damage as your HP goes lower, maybe +1 damage per -10 hp?
cris would love this

(insert item name here. not good at coming up with these)
a certain vigilante, (also considered a savior by others) used to be able to shift the patterns on his mask. this mask is his mask. and that mask, which is this mask, that is to say, his mask, hates conversations that last too long, if you know what i mean, so i'd better keep this short. When you're wearing this mask, the occasional butterfly shaped ink smear is sure to enrage you to no end, and you find that you thirst for other peoples blood. And though you'll take people's stuff, they'll be too scared to carry as many chips on hand as they normally do.

-20% chip drops
+10% item drops
+5% reflexes
allows you to become enraged, dishing out more damage as you take it.

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:34 pm
by MagiNinjA
An effect (maybe from a vial?) to reference the awesomeness that is Darkman. It'll last for 99 minutes and will give +5% strength if it's day, +10% or 15% if it's night and -5% intellect. Or something along those lines.


Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:09 pm
by Cristiona
"You feel as if a rivet has been shot through your hand and you suddenly have a burning hatred for the paralegal on LA Law. What the hell? You gain an effect: DARKMAN! (added for 99 minutes)"

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:53 pm
by Carygon Nijax
hey... what about a "BUY ALL YOU CAN" button on the stores?

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:54 pm
by Carygon Nijax
and.. by the way...

we need a windmill and a giant!!!


Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:45 am
by darkzumi
New ranged items!

Name: Devastation Cannon? Xentrium Railbow? Xentrium Crossgun?
Recipe: Rail Gun + Xentrium Crossbow
Ranged weapon
Power: 180?
Level Required: 25?
Autosell value: 550?
+10 fire damage
+10 sonic damage
+5% to initiative
+5 to hit
Description: Meh, make yer own. It has less initiative and to hit bonus than the xentrium crossbow because it's not all xentrium, and so less powerful in that regard.

Name: Rainbow Rifle
Recipe: Shooting Stars + Fusion Pack
Ranged weapon
Power: 120
Level Required: 19
Autosell value: 403
+2 fire damage
+2 sonic damage
+2 ice damage
+2 electric damage
+2 psionic damage
+2 acid damage
Description: This rifle shoots ammo that is made of all the colors of the rainbow, so you can see all the colors of your foes blood and vital fluids! Mad science wins again!

New Class Idea

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:35 pm
by seventhcross
I have an idea for a new Hero class. I call it the Brawler.

The first power I've given it is Unarmed Combat. This would basically give bonuses for fighting without a weapon equipped, or possibly with a certain type of weapon such as the Brass Knuckles. As a side effect of this power, in order to keep the slot from being wasted, I'd allow accessories and off hand items to be equipped in the weapon slot. I originally thought about extending this power to fighting without armor as well, but I don't want to eliminate IotM slots from the character, so I doubt I'd go that far.

The second big power is Improvised Weapons. I think this one could work in one of two ways, I'd like to see this ability cause weapons and maybe some of the other items become one use combat usable. Alternately, it could be a combat power where the Brawler picks up random terrain pieces to hurl at foes. It would even be possible to use both as a type of tier 1 and tier 2 power as well.

The final big power is healing. Every other hero has an ability to gain back HP. I'd rather see this one have an Improved Item Use skill. Basically, this would be the ability to get back more HP and PP from restoratives, but could also be extended to more damage for combat items and more time from caffeine/sugar items.

As for the rest of the abilities, I have several ideas. Most of them revolve around a mixture of a Martial Arts Master and a Frenzied Berserker. Mainly because I thought it would be funny to tap into a tremendous rage one minute, then focus the mind for a Ki strike the next.

So, that's the basic concept. What do you guys think of it?

Re: New Class Idea

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:54 pm
by MagiNinjA
seventhcross wrote:The final big power is healing. Every other hero has an ability to gain back HP. I'd rather see this one have an Improved Item Use skill. Basically, this would be the ability to get back more HP and PP from restoratives, but could also be extended to more damage for combat items and more time from caffeine/sugar items.
Naturalists don't have a traditional healing skill.

The class was interesting, but it honestly sounds like what a Naturalist should (sort of) play out. I haven't taken a deep look, this is just at a first glance. Also needs a ton more skills than given. :P

Re: New Class Idea

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:19 pm
by seventhcross
MagiNinjA wrote:Naturalists don't have a traditional healing skill.

The class was interesting, but it honestly sounds like what a Naturalist should (sort of) play out. I haven't taken a deep look, this is just at a first glance. Also needs a ton more skills than given. :P
I was counting Starfish Regeneration as a healing skill. :wink:

As for other skills, I have several ideas. Contagious Frenzy as a buff, Ki Channeling as a personal skill, Brutal Punch/Haymaker/Wild Swing (pick a name) as a combat skill, Ki Blast as a combat skill, Tough Skin or Flexible Dodge to improve defence, probably as a personal skill, and Dirty Fighting as possibly any type of skill.

Frenzy would increase damage. Ki Channel would increase attack or possibly intelligence for spell attacking. Combat Skills are pretty self explanatory. Dirty Fighting has a range of possibilities for uses. I haven't really decided much on that.

If you still think it's to much like a naturalist, perhaps the some of the skills could be incorporated into the existing classes? Improved Item Use certainly wouldn't hurt the naturalist to have since regeneration is his only form of healing currently... Perhaps we could call it Raccoon's Foraging?

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 10:09 pm
by MagiNinjA
Er no, quite not what I was saying.
seventhcross wrote:I was counting Starfish Regeneration as a healing skill. :wink:
And that's why I said traditional healing. :wink:

I wasn't commenting about it as much as it seems the Naturalist as it is should play out sort of like what you have here. Not that it was too close to it.

More powers please!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:34 pm
by seventhcross
Well, apparently no one wants to talk about new classes. Except Mana of course. I thought it was a good idea too. Then we could work on another reflex class and have two of each type. Ah well, maybe it'll come back up later.

On to my second idea! I'd like to see a new mechanic that would let the player choose a more traditional super power every so often as you gain levels. It could be a quest reward, or it could just be a leveling reward. How ever it works, I imagined that each power would have several levels and you could choose to either keep leveling on one or jump around and try out several together. I'm not sure that they need to provide huge benefits, I think they would be great just for flavor as much as anything.

So, here's a list of some that I would like to see:
Invisibility - bonuses to dodge, initiative, and non combats seems most likely.
Super speed - Bonus to initiative, also possibly usable as a mode of transportation, and maybe searching bonus.
Flight - most obviously, transportation and high jump effects, others?
Teleport - Transportation and dodge possibly a special attack as well...
Duplication - multiples of yourself. Easier to search with, extra attacks occasionally...
Mind control - stunning effect, others?
Super Charismatic - opponents give you items, so better search %?
Super stats - straight bonus to str, ref, or int
Insubstantial - dodge, damage absorption
Lucky - small bonuses to everything? or maybe a bonus that randomly changes?
Precognition - non-combat, initiative, dodge, attack
Danger Sense - initiative and dodge
Invulnerability - mostly Damage absorption and resistances

I realize some powers may seem like duplicates as far as effect goes, but I really like this idea more for flavor than for actual bonuses. I also don't think I'd ever want to allow these to be permed when ascension is unveiled. Let me know what you think, and if there are other powers you'd like to see.

*edited to "more traditional super power" - better Chris?

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:38 pm
by Cristiona
You already get superpowers...

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:15 pm
by Ryme
seventhcross: several of the suggested skills already exist, or something pretty close to it. Invisibility, super speed (as heroic efficiency), flight (as passable pilot), and danger sense (as a psion passive, I think).

Still, you have hit on a lot of the classic hero skills, and those are good to work into the game, because they're things people identify with. It's good to be able to tap into the roots of the genre.

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:20 pm
by MagiNinjA
Yeah, it would make for some very good flavor. You're a what? An invisible lucky precog?!

Also a nice throwback to Fallout's Perk system, a very good thing.

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:09 am
by seventhcross
Ryme wrote:seventhcross: several of the suggested skills already exist, or something pretty close to it. Invisibility, super speed (as heroic efficiency), flight (as passable pilot), and danger sense (as a psion passive, I think).
Well, I guess I never really thought of most of those. I had associated Invisibility with Stealth, but most of the others I never really considered. I guess there really is a lot to the name of something. Though for the sake of the flavor of the game it wouldn't be hard to add a skill for the purposes of this mechanic.
MagiNinjA wrote:Also a nice throwback to Fallout's Perk system, a very good thing.
I've never played Fallout, how does this perk system work?

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 8:52 am
by Cristiona
"Child-killer" was a reputation you earned in the game, not technically a perk. There were perks that boosted stat points, one that boosted skills (both of those at the expense of the other), a sneaky perk, one that let you get perks more frequently, etc.

And, of course, Bloody Mess.

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:32 am
by Muhandes
From some odd reason the one I remember is Black Widow/Lady Killer which made you better against the opposite sex and added some conversation options.

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:13 pm
by MagiNinjA
Er, basically all those listed were traits, not perks. Perks were pretty much ONLY advantageous. Things like Sniper, Silent Running, Bonus Damage, etc. Full list here.

Traits are here.

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:20 am
by Corrupt Shadow
Way to suck, Incarerito. ;) ;)

Re: Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 9:22 pm
by Jesus
Cristiona wrote:"Child-killer" was a reputation you earned in the game, not technically a perk.