Creative player ideas for in-game items, zones, etc.

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Post by Ryme »

Dybbuk wrote:My friend and I spent a good hour or so talking about what we think TH could use, and here are some of the ideas we came up with:...
Lots of interesting stuff, though some of it doesn't really mesh with my current vision for the game or player needs.

One of the benefits of the pit as it stands now is that it's always a difficult fight, whatever your level/status. It's the only place in the game where, no matter your situation, it should be a fair (or at least decent) fight. So I'm not ever going to change that. Taking it away would leave a lot of people feeling, "where the heck can I go now if I want a challenge?"

What I've mentioned that I want to do is to have other high-level areas that progress/scale in different ways. The tiers you mention there would be a good option; when you hit a level that's too tough, you can go fight in the pit some more until you level up and can handle more. I'd also like to stress different types of fights, so it's not always just "beat up an enemy that's as tough as you are." One of the things that's slowed me down is your suggestion (and my thoughts on it) are hovering around the Fernswarthy's Basement zone in KoL, and I'd like to work in some distinctive differences from it, if possible.

I'm definitely not going to reduce the level cap; in fact, I plan to raise it or eliminate it. For a lot of veteran players, gaining levels/xp is the only sense of progress they've got. Locking them in at level 20 (or even 50) can't possibly be satisfying. The answer isn't to trap them, but to provide more higher level content.

It's really not necessary to point to/repeat comments from earlier posts in this same thread. I know it's there. If I haven't done anything yet it's because either I like the idea and just haven't had time, or I disagree with the idea. Either way, repeated calls for the same action will tend to annoy me rather than help me. It's one thing if it's been six months and you want to see if it's still a valid suggestion, but you're talking about a post you made just three and a half weeks ago. There will eventually be class-specific items. There will eventually be more items and a greater variety of them. But keep in mind it's taken me a full year to get 300 of them into the game--there's only so fast I can do things, and there's *lots* of things to do. Class-specific items in particular are tough, not only because it's a completely new thing to code, but also because I end up doing the same amount of creative work for 1/4 of the playerbase, meaning in a utilitarian fashion that there's less "fun" for the amount of work, or four times as much work to get the same amount of fun in the game. So right now that means it would be neat, but it's a bad use of my time.

Also, I'm not sure I see a major distinction between having a riddle that takes some work to unlock the new area, and adding a quest in an old area. Both provide the same amount of enjoyment, roughly, to the players, I think. Maybe I'm wrong about that, I dunno. But I'm not sure it's a fair objection to say it would have been better to expand existing areas--I think that's a break even, at least. In this case the new zone is also the first step towards the process that will provide both higher level content, a new quest, something of a puzzle, and a number of other features that people have been clamoring for. So I'm on the path you want me to be on, you just don't know it yet. (I realize that you probably couldn't know it, as the development plans aren't posted anywhere, so I'm not holding that against you.)
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Post by TheK3vin »

Have repeatable quests been suggested yet? Perhaps with experience/chips rewards? It'd be a cool way to level up faster, rather than grinding the pit, theater, etc. It could be the kind of thing where initially you gain less experience per turn than you would grinding, but figuring out faster ways to do them would lead to a higher XP/turn ratio. Similar to the level 12 quest in KoL, where you can just grind to accomplish the task, but as you get better at the sidequests, you can eventually make it faster.
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Post by Ryme »

Well, "brand-new" heroes can't get there, so it doesn't need a warning for them. At least I don't consider you brand new by the time you've managed to pick up a couple of different vehicles and open two successive levels of transportation.

And spelling out the zone name with a level is just downright spoilery, not to mention being really a meta-game concept, and also not always particularly accurate -- it comes back to my point that what's level 11 for one person might be level 9 for someone else, and level 13 for a third.

I could, I suppose, mention in the descriptive text that the area looks particularly dangerous, but that's still a really subjective term. If someone's already level 20 and just hasn't explored there, it's not dangerous at all.
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Post by TheK3vin »

Personally I found it fun just to discover new zones and find where I could go and where I needed to stay away from for a while. Speaking of which, a high-level area would be nice too. Perhaps you one you couldn't access until level 20 or so. At the moment, the best equipment for a level 15 character is the same as the best equipment for a level 50 character. Just saying.
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Post by TheK3vin »

The downside is the +2 PP to skills. Meaning they cost 2 PP more.
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Post by Cristiona »

Giggles wrote:Gadgeteers would lose all their PP to be able to do it. So although they would have, it would be a pretty severe penalty as there would be no time to make up the PP through adventuring due to the time limit
Well... there's the Enlightenment Center, the items from Sun Coast, Fire water...
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Post by Corrupt Shadow »

I know this would be a bitch to do, but having an option to choose do be on the "good side" and the "bad side" (i.e. villians and heroes) after a certain level and then being able to fight (PvP) the other side would be interesting.
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Ah, thanks for the linkage.
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Post by Corrupt Shadow »

To complete my "colorful" wardrobe, I need the following: Helmet, Main Hand, Shirt, & Pants.

My suggestions:

Helmet - Nuggerjaut's Helmet (grants +10% Strength; -5% Reflexes) [Play off of Juggernaut]

Weapon - Thor's Mallet [before he had a hammer, he used a mallet... duh!] (grants +5% electrical damage; increased critical hit [1.5x?])

Shirt - Titanium Man's Chestplate (grants +5% reflexes; +5% intellect; +5% strength) [Play off of Iron Man]

Pants - The Bulk's Tattered Shorts (-10% intellect; +15% strength; +5% reflexes) [Play off of The Hulk]
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Post by Cristiona »

Dogs that shoot bees from their mouths when they bark!
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Post by Corrupt Shadow »

MrAndersonMan wrote:Also, I had a pretty cool idea for a new quest, inspired by Heroes. Maybe there could be a comic book (ironically called the Fourth Wall) and you can randomly find issues or pages scattered around the locations as semi-rare drops. Maybe one distinct issue per location. Once you get them all, you collate them into a book you read for a random hero superpower that's added to your skillset. You can possibly then do the quest again for the other skills, until you have them all.

Possible skills:
Laser Vision - combat skill, does Fire damage, useable once per combat, lowers your item drop chance by 50%.

Wallaby Claws - you have Infernium claws under your skin. Infernium claws of the horrific Wallaby. When used you hurt yourself a bit (OWWWW!) and your weapon gets replaced by high power, high crit melee weapons, till the end of combat.

More to come, possibly...
Those are great ideas, man!
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Post by Corrupt Shadow »


Name: Booty Pirate
Image: Image
Aquired When: you have X-number of each of the following - Gold Coast ivory, Ivory Coast spices, and Spice Coast gold.
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Post by MagiNinjA »

Yeah, I have to agree, 10 unique IotMs making one outfit is...very unbalanced. Especially at only this state of the game.

I don't think (and I believe the majority may side with me, but I don't know for sure) that the Roderick gear is that bad. The Aegis Flux Incapacitor was relatively pretty powerful, so Ryme is setting his balanced about now. The Roderick gear may be underwhelming compared to the Aegis, but nonetheless, it's still pretty useful. You have to admit.

Also, please, no BHH like things. At least not to the extent of 200 days.
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